Twaalf Appostels

Die Tafelbergreeks strek van Tafelberg tot by Kaappunt en het heelwat bekende pieke en landmerke wat deel van die bergreeks uitmaak.  Bo en behalwe Tafelberg self is daar ook Leeukop, Duiwelspiek en Seinheuwel met die Twaalf Appostels wat die mees prominente pieke aan die Atlantiese kant van die Skiereiland is.  Die Twaalf Appostels maak vir die perfekte agtergrond teen die luukse strande van Clifton en Kampsbaai. 

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Shark Rock Pier in HDR

I've never used the HDR effect on any of my photo.  Some people over use it but making all their pics HDR although it does enhance some pictures beautifully.  My main reason though is because I don't have Photoshop.  Over the weekend I discovered that Picasa does have a HDR effect button (don't know how I missed it before) so I decided to try it out on a picture I took of Shark Rock Pier in Port Elizabeth last week.   


Durban beachfront panorama

Yet again I spent nearly a week in Durban for Tourism Indaba with very little time to get out and take a couple of photos.  I did get to take a walk along the beachfront at South Beach on the morning of my departure and managed this panorama shot from one of the piers.  Click on the picture to see the enlarged version.


Durban Sonopkoms

Die begin van nog 'n pragtige dag in Afrika.  Ek het hierdie foto van die son wat oor Suidstrand opkom geneem uit my 9de verdieping hotelkamer gedurende die onlangse Indaba uitstalling in Durban . 

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Tsitsikamma Kuslyn

Die Tsitsikamma, plek van baie water, is sonder twyfel een van Suid-Afrika se asemrowendste streke. Digte groen inheemse woude waar woudreuse van oor die 800 jaar oud staan word van die blou see geskei deur loodregte kranse.  'n Ongerepte kuslyn met wit skuimende branders wat hulleself te pletter slaan op swart rotse.  Dolfyne en walvisse, otters in 'n sloep, luiperds teen die berg en die skugter Knysnaloerie wat tussen die boomtoppe rondbeweeg.  Stories van houtkappers uit die ou dae, olifantvoetpaaie en wie weet, miskien 'n bosgees of twee.  Duidelik een van die mooiste en…

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Noordhoek beach

Cape Town, the second largest city in South Africa, has a rural backyard.  "Huh?" you ask.  The Noordhoek area on the Cape Peninsula is about 30 minutes from the city centre, yet it has a country town feeling to it with farms, small holdings, charming little shops, restaurants and bars as well as lots of open spaces.  The showcase of Noordhoek is the 8 km long unspoiled strip of sandy beach stretching from the foot of Chapmans Peak all the way to Kommetjie. …


Rough sees

The other day during spring high tide we also had a strong easterly wind blowing here in Port Elizabeth and that normally means a very rough sea.  I popped down to Hobie Beach to have a look and got a couple of pics around Shark Rock Pier.  


Sandy Bay

Everybody in South Africa knows (or should know) the name Sandy Bay. It's probably the only public beach in the country where it's acceptable to let it all hang out. And with that I mean going nude (Like you didn't know what it means). So on my recent visit to Cape Town we were driving along the Atlantic Seaboard when my brother asked me if I've ever been to Sandy Bay. Now I had heard that you have to walk…