Sunday afternoon fishing

Sunday afternoons is family time and most families choose to relax.  Some spend it at home, others on the beach, some go for a Sunday afternoon drive, some go Geocaching (yes, that's us) and so I can go on.  This couple spent it fishing from the rocks at Maitland west of Port Elizabeth, . 

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Fisherman on the Wildside

Unlike my brother who has provincial colours for fresh water fishing, I'm not a fisherman.  I don't have the patience for it.  I would much rather go for a walk with my camera and find something interesting to photograph.  Perhaps its the same thing, just different.  Its the same with Geocaching.  I can spend hours doing it while others see it as a waste of time because other than a smiley face on my geocache map and my name on…


Shark Rock Pier on a sunny day

Everybody loved the beach in summer, but there is no reason not to love it in winter as well.  Specially on a warm sunny day like today.  Only difference is you can't go for a swim.  Personally I think winter is the best time for long walks on the beach or the adjoining boardwalk.  At least the sun doesn't burn my ever growing forehead as much.


Sharing my passions with the KidZ

I'm very fortunate that both the KidZ adore the outdoors.  They're mad about camping, they're addicted to geocaching, they love travelling and exploring and are slowly starting to show an interest in photography.  All this means that I can share my passions with them and we can always find something new to do or somewhere different to go.  I'm just not sure I want them to start blogging any time soon cause then I'd never get to use my laptop.

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Umhlanga Pier

Many visitors to the beachfront at Umhlanga Rocks take a walk onto the 80 meter long Umhlanga Pier to enjoy the view of the coastline and the Umhlanga Lighthouse close by.  What many of these visitors don't know though is that the pier was actually built to assist with the dispersal of storm water into the sea.  Before the pier was built storm water used to be discharged onto the beach at Granny's Pool.  A large underground box culvert was constructed…


The Sacramento Trail in pictures

Following Thursday's post on the Sacramento Trail in Port Elizabeth I noticed that I had preciously upload a whole series of pictures taken along the trail on a recent outing.  It's been sitting in my drafts folder all this time waiting to be posted and I think it will serve as a follow up to the previous post. The trail follows the coastline from Schoenmakerskop to the turning point at Sardinia Bay, four kilometres away.Part of the trail actually follows the beach and…


Breathtaking views

Earth Day gets celebrated annually on this day, 22 April, to demonstrate support for environmental protection and is celebrated in more than 192 countries every year.  The name and concept of Earth Day was pioneered at a UNESCO Conference in San Francisco by John McConnell in 1969 . He proposed 21 March 1970, the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere., for the celebration of this special day.  A month later a separate Earth Day was founded by United…


Wild coastline

The rugged coastline of the southern Wild Coast at Morgan Bay, an area I'm hoping to be able to explore a bit more next year some time.

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Kaap die Goeie Hoop

 Die Kaap die Goeie Hoop is die naam van die mees suid-westelike landpunt van Afrika en is letterlik 'n klipgooi van Kaappunt af geleë.  Dit is tradisioneel (en verkeerdelik net soos met Kaappunt) geag as die punt waar die Atlantiese Oseaan en die Indiese Oseaan mekaar ontmoet, terwyl die eintlike ontmoetingspunt verder ooswaarts by Kaap Agulhas - Afrika se mees suidelikste punt - is. Die koue Benguelastroom wat van Antarktika af noord vloei, ontmoet wel die warm Agulhas-stroom naby die Kaap die Goeie Hoop. Die…

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Noetzie – Kastele op die strand

So 'n paar kilometer buite die Tuinroete dorp Knysna, aan die einde van 'n grondpad, is 'n baie unieke plek met die naam Noetzie.   Noetzie (Khoi-San vir Donker Water) het 'n pragtige strand en strandmeer omring deur inheemse woude, maar wat Noetzie laat uitstaan is die feit dat daar verskeie kastele langs die strand is.  Die area is reg van Knysna se begin jare af 'n plekkie waar die plaaslike inwoners oor naweke gaan kamp het.  Die eerste kasteel is in 1932 uit plaaslike klip as 'n…

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