Humewood at dusk
Dusk has fallen over Humewood Beach
Over the last week or so we've had a number of stunning sunsets here in Port Elizabeth. Unfortunately I was just never in a position to get a photo, but that was until last night. I spotted the sky changing colour through the lounge window, grabbed my camera and ran out into the street. And presto, here it is straight out the camera with no adjustments made.
The Donkin Reserve is truly one of Port Elizabeth's biggest iconic sites with the lighthouse and pyramid standing side by side on the city's balcony overlooking Algoa Bay.
The Damselfly started running a couple of months ago and I have now been drawn into the picture. The plan was for her and her running partner to go and do the Knysna Forest Half Marathon in July and unfortunately her partner had to pull out because she is unable to go. That is where I come in. Kinda voluntarily forced. So I'm slowly putting in more effort in the gym and started doing the 5km fun runs on Saturday…
If there is something I have a soft spot for as a photographer then its a sunset. You can never get tired of the sun disappearing over the horizon with its coinciding oranges, yellows, blues and purples along with a beautiful afterglow. Even better is when you can find a nice subject to put in the foreground to compliment the sunset. In this case the Horse Memorial here in Port Elizabeth.For more sunsets and other sky related photos, visit Skywatch.
The Donkin Lighthouse and Pyramid (Donkin Memorial) in Port Elizabeth at sunrise Visit the nice people at Skywatch for more pictures of the skies above
The Donkin Reserve is currently undergoing a major revamping project. Part of the project is a number of art pieces that will be added to the Donkin. The first of these pieces to have gone up was a sculpture by local artist Anton Momberg. Visit Skywatch for more pictures featuring the sky.
I was heading down to the beachfront the other morning to get some sunrise shots, but got going way too late. I ended up looking down the Baakens River Valley towards the harbour from the top of Valley Road as the sun was rising. It may not have been the beachfront, but any sunrise, doesn't matter where, is worth the effort..Visit Skywatch for more sky related pictures.
The best part about winter is that you don't have to get up as early as in summer to get a decent sunrise picture. Only problem is that even though its later, its cold and dark when you get up. This is sunrise at Hobie Beach taken about a week or so ago.Visit Skywatch for more pictures featuring the sky
Sunset across Fairview. I took this about a week or so ago and at the time there were lots of fires burning all around Port Elizabeth. This caused the sunsets to be much redder than they normally are.For more sunsets and other sky related pictures, visit Skywatch.