Lone fishing boat at dawn
A lone fishing boat out in Algoa Bay at dawn
A lone fishing boat out in Algoa Bay at dawn
With the huge fire at Schoenmakerskop and a fire in Fairview there is a lot of smoke in the air which means orange sunsets. Getting home this evening I noticed that the wind was blowing westerly so no smoke between me and the sunset. By the time I got home the sun was gone but the sky was beautiful.
I'm sure everybody in PE would agree with me that we are slightly tired of wind. It's been blowing just about nonstop for close to a month now so it was great to walk outside just now and realising that there is absolutely now wind blowing. So not to jinx it I just want to say. I woke up in Johannesburg this morning after last night's Lilizela Tourism Awards and looking out from my hotel rook the sky was hazy…
Regular Port Elizabeth Daily Photo follower Gerhard Burger sent me this picture last week. Isn't that just the perfect winters afternoon in the Bay?
I had to go and drop Drama Princess off at school tonight for the last night of their school concert and this was post sunset looking from Newton Park side across the Baakens Valley towards William Moffet.
I are tired... tired is I. Probably more like exhausted. Makes it feel even worse when you go home, got to stop at the shop and join a queue of 30 people to buy electricity (yes I know I've got to register to do it from my phone if I can find the time), pick up one of the kids and rush off to drop them back at school for their school concert (which is going to be all week),…
The weatherman promised us a beautiful weekend and that's exactly how it started yesterday. On my way to work yesterday morning I just had to pull over and snap a pic. How can one not?
One of the best parts of winter is the fact that the sun comes up later which gives us a much better chance to see a sunrise than in summer. This morning Elzabe Boshoff was down at Pipe (at Pollok Beach) at sunrise and snapped this breathtaking photo of sunrise. Wow! What a way to start the day! Thanks for allowing me to share this photo Elzabe.
Heading home after work this afternoon I just realised again how quickly winter is approaching. Other than the chill in the air the biggest indicator is the sun. In summer it goes down after 7:30pm but this time of year it heads to the horizon not long after five. So this afternoon I got to snap a pic with my new phone that I've wanted to take for years now. The sun behind the Fig Tree on the corner of…
Chaos Boy spent Saturday afternoon at a friend's place in Seaview and I headed out there late afternoon to fetch him. It wasn't quite sunset time yet, but the sun was starting to head towards the horizon so I pulled over to snap this pic. I'm still trying to figure out the best setting on my DSLR to take sunset pictures but hopefully I'll get there soon.