Sunrise over the Bay

Yesterday morning I was slightly earlier on my way to work than I have been because of levels 5 (work from home); 4 (still working from home); 3 (back at the office but in no rush to get up in the morning) and 3.86 (ii) section G, subsection purple with a tint of green, paragraph the doorbell is ringing but there is nobody there, line do they even know what's going on, I think I'm hungry now, I don't smoke…

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Fire in the sunset

Last night's sunset was something else. Wow, literally fire in the sky.  Unfortunately, I was kept busy with visitors leaving and only got to grab my phone for a pic just before it was too late.  Still striking! 


Sunrise over Algoa Bay

I'm still here.  I may not have posted anything on my blog for a month but I'm still around.  It's scary though how busy my life has become between work, family, sport (the kids', not my own) and everything else I'm involved in.  The two things that have suffered the most are my blog and exercising.  And to a lesser extend Geocaching.  Plus my laptop at home has packed up again.  You know how it is.  When it rains it…


Sunrise on the N2

I had to go to East London for a SA Tourism workshop today and hit the road before sunrise and only returning well after sunset.  Which means that I enjoyed both whiles on the road today with the sun rising as I was barrelling down the N2 this morning.

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Sunset over the city

I know I've said it before, but one of my favorite parts of winter is early sunsets which I can catch if I work a little later than usual.  Like I did the other day...

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Sunset over Port Elizabeth

Yesterday afternoon I worked a little later than usual and as I left the office the sun was starting to head for the horizon.  I stopped across the road from Bayworld and grabbed my camera.  Those photos are still there... on my camera, but I did snap one with my phone as well.   We've been very fortunate to have a few stunning sunsets the last few days.

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Another beautiful morning

One of the things I like about this time of the year is the fact that we have so little wind.  Over the last few days we've had some stunning days with striking sunsets, but this morning I swung past the beach before work and got a slightly post sunrise photo.  The start of another tough day in the Bay.

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My first photo on Port Elizabeth Daily Photo was…

While deciding what to post tonight I started wondering what the first picture was I posted on PE Daily Photo.  I went digging through the archives and arrived back at 15 March 2009 when I took over Port Elizabeth Daily Photo from Sue and Max Hoppe and posted my first photo on this blog.  It was one of a sunrise at Hobie Beach.  I think it was taken just after the start of Ironman that year but I could be…

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Sunrise over the Bay

I'm not an early morning person.  Too much of a night owl.  So one of the things I like about winter is the fact that the sun comes up later allowing me to get the occasional sunrise pic.  This is a recycled one but I'm hoping to get a few again soon. 

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