Oudtshoorn’s CP Nel Museum

The CP Nel Museum in Oudtshoorn is one of the top town museums in South Africa with a fantastic range of exhibits representing the history of the town and surrounding area.  Most visitors pass through town on their way to the ostrich farms or Cango Caves and never see this Klein Karoo gem, but the few who do stop gets to learn so much more about the area.The museum owes its origin to the private collection of colonel Charles Paul Leonard Nel,…

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Wilgewandel – something for the whole family

 In all the years working as a tourist guide I drove past Wilgewandel near the Cango Caves countless times and never stopped.  It wasn't that I didn't want to, but there was just never time on a busy itinerary.  I often just referred to it as the place with the camel rides.  That was until a visit to the Cango Caves with the family while on holiday.  Drama Princess really wanted to ride a camel and the nagging started when we…


Oudtshoorn graveyard

Regular followers of my blogs would know by now that one of my strange travel quirks is historic cemeteries.  On a recent visit to Oudtshoorn in the Klein Karoo I decided to revisit the Kerk Street Cemetery in the town for a closer look. The graveyard is an old one with most graves having disappeared over the years.  In some cases there are headstone that look like they stand in the middle of nowhere and in other places you can see a grave mound…


Waterfall nymph

A waterfall nymph at the Rust en Vrede Waterfall close to Oudtshoorn.   I would really like to encourage visitors to Oudtshoorn to do the little detour to the waterfall when they are on the road to or from the Cango Caves.  It took me years to finally go there and I'm so sorry that it did cause it truly is a very special spot.


Rust en Vrede Waterfall

When I was in primary school we did a tour to Oudtshoorn and one of the places we were supposed to visit was the Rust en Vrede (Rest and Peace) Waterfall.  The visit was cancelled due to bad weather and I've always wondered what I had missed.  When I started working as a tourist guide about 15 years ago I noticed the turnoff and sign to the waterfall on the way to the Cango Caves, but as it wasn't included in any of…


Cango Caves

Some people probably think caves are all small damp passages full of creepy crawlies and only accessible to the most adventurous. If so then clearly those some people have never been to the Cango Caves outside Oudtshoorn in the Klein Karoo. The Cango Caves are magnificent, huge and probably one of the best show caves in the world to visit. What makes it even better to visit is the fact the because the caves go into the mountain and not…


Klein Karoo sonsondergang

Die son gaan onder oor die Klein Karoo.  Dis die einde van 'n snikhete somersdag en die horison is besig om te verkleur.  Blou raak goud raak donkerder.  Daar is nie 'n briese wat trek nie met die enigste beweging 'n volstruis wat teen 'n draadheining afloop.

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Springende krokedille

Die Kango Wildlife Ranch in Oudtshoorn het 'n lang pad gekom van die dae toe dit net 'n krokodilplaas was.  Alhoewel daar deesdae baie ander dinge is om te sien by hierdie bekende attraksie speel krokodille nog altyd 'n rol.  By die Springende Kake (Jumping Jaws) word die krokodil uit die water uit gelok met 'n stuk vleis.  Hy spring letterlik halflyf uit om die vleis te vat en terwyl dit gebeur staan besoekers met opgehoue asems om te sien of die gids…

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As ek mag wil ek graag die lirieke van Groot Voël Paradys deur Jacques de Coning aanhaal om saam met hierdie foto te gaan.Oudtshoorn is 'n grootvoël paradys,los jou budgy by die huis en ek sal jou 'n groot voël wys.Oudtshoorn is 'n grootvoël paradys,Los jou mossie by die bossie en kom speel met my volstruis. Kom sit hier op my skoot dan vertel ek vir jou,van die grootste voël wat ek gesien het my vrou.Dit was daar by die Klein Karoo Kunstefees,as…

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Hoeveel mense kan op hulle cv skryf dat hulle 'n professionele volstruisjoggie is?  Nie baie nie, maar as jy hulle in aksie wil sien is die beste plek een of twee van die volstruisplase net buite Oudtshoorn.  Die volstruisresies in die foto vind plaas by Safari Volstruisplaas 'n paar kilometer buite dié bekende Klein Karoo dorp.

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