Table top flowers
Wild flowers growing on top of Table Mountain with the mountain's restaurant building in the background.
Wild flowers growing on top of Table Mountain with the mountain's restaurant building in the background.
The view from the top of Table Mountain must be one of the most beautiful city views in the world with Cape Town at your feet and stretching away in the distance to the right and Table Bay and the Atlantic Ocean azure blue on the left.I've pointed out a couple of Cape Town's main landmarks as seen from one of the lookouts on top of Table Mountain. I will still follow this post up with a post discribing our visit…
While exploring the town of Montagu in the Western Cape I discovered the Montagu Nature Garden on the outskirts of town. I wouldn't really call it a garden, but rather a nature reserve as it covers quite a big area. The Montagu Nature Garden was established in 1954, the year that Montagu celebrated its centenary. Montagu Nature garden is situated in the most southerly part of the succulent Karoo “biome.” It has the distinction therefore of having flora of 3 regions of…
There is probably no better way to enjoy the Viljoensdrift wines than leisurely cruising along the Breede River on a sunny day. The Viljoensdrift wine estate offers one hour cruises up and down the river from their shop and tasting area on the farm and although we're not wine lovers (and you don't have to actually drink wine to go on the cruise), we decided to go for the outing.The boat seats about 40 people and most of our fellow passengers bought wine…
While visiting the town of Montagu we didn't really venture through Cogmanskloof into the Robertson Valley area and rather explored our immediate surroundings. One morning we did decided to venture through the kloof with our camping neighbours and ended up at Viljoensdrift Wine Estate near Bonneyvale for a river cruise on the Breede River. We had about an hour or so to wait (or waste, which ever word rocks your boat) before the cruise departed so while the women and children sat out on…
The sun peeking past the old Mission Church containing the Montagu Museum
In the post about Montagu Caravan Park I mentioned that the caravan park has a dam that is a very popular fishing spot with the campers. At times the kids (and adults) were lined up next to the dam casting and reeling in. Now I'm not a big fisherman. I enjoying doing it for 15 or 20 minutes and then I get bored, so I don't really have the patience to be a fisherman. I'll rather sit and watch animals…
Over the last five years we have developed into a real camping family. Camping allows us to get out into nature more than we would staying in an hotel or guesthouse and because its cheaper it also allows us to have longer holidays. When we started camping we decided to always try out new places and in that way get to see more destinations and areas around out beautiful country. The Damselfly decided to book us for 10 days at the Montagu Caravan…
As you drive into the town of Montagu from the Cogmans Kloof side, the first building on the left is the Kloof Farm Stall. After our arrival in town we stopped by there to have a look and saw a brochure on the wall advertising donkey cart rides starting at the farm stall. Unfortunately the driver was ill that day and they cart weren't going. We returned the next day and still nothing. We started preparing the kidz for the…