Unusual monuments

At the end of August I took a road trip to Johannesburg and on my travels discovered two slightly unusual monuments.  Discovered by the way, as there were Geocaches hidden close to both. The first one was a monument just outside of Middelburg in the Eastern Cape.  The stone monument has a picture of a chair on it and the sign says "Stoel Monument" (Chair Monument).  So what is the story behind the Stoel Monument?  There's a long and a short so…

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A very unusual beach

Can you guess where this beach is?.........Technically it's not a beach.  Not a coastal one anyway.  It is the sandveld on the banks of the Bloemhof Dam on the border between the North West Province and the Free State.Bloemhof Dam was built in the late 1960's and is located at the confluence of the Vaal River and the Vet River.  At 25 000 hectares the dam with it's 4 270 m long dam wall is one of the largest in South Africa.  The dam…

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Sweef teen sonop met ‘n Warmlugballon

Ahhhhhh, om rustig te sweef deur die lug terwyl die son opkom in die ooste. Die stilte word net gebreek deur die klank van die vlam wat kort kort meer warm lug in die ballon inblaas. 'n Uitsig soos min met plaaswerkers wat oppad is lande toe doer onder jou and die Hartebeespoortdam wat glinster in die verte.  Daar is bitter min dinge wat naby kom aan 'n warmlugballon vlug saam met die legendariese Bill Harrop homself.Ek moet eerlik wees…

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Floating on air

A while ago I had the privilege to go on the ultimate adventure hot air ballooning with Bill Harrop near Magaliesberg north of Johannesburg. I have posted two pics of it before (Hot Air Ballooning), but wanted to show of a couple more pics from the experience.If you would like to see more pics featuring the sky by photographers from all over the world, visit the good people at Skywatch.


Sitting Giraffe

On my recent visit to Sun City I got to go on a game drive into the Pilanesberg National Park. Although we didn't see a huge amount of game, we did see this very unusual sight of a giraffe sitting down. What makes this unusual is the fact that giraffes don't usually sit down much in reserves where there are predators like lions as they can't get up that fast being all neck and legs. This makes them more vulnerable…


Features around the Palace

The Palace at the Lost City is surrounded by a lot of different features, all of which ads to the theme and atmosphere. The Palace is set is a man made forest with lots of streams, waterfalls and cascades. Just below the swimming pools in the forest is a suspended rope bride over beautiful cascades. At the bottom of the gardens just above the Valley of the Waves is the pool deck overlooking the wave pool. On the deck level…


The Palace of the Lost City

The Palace of the Lost City is an ultra luxury hotel situated in Sun City. The Palace was designed as the royal palace of the ancient civilization that used to live in the Lost City. It is surrounded by Fantastic gardens and a man made forest with all kinds of features. The Palace Towers at night The Palace as seen from one of the forest paths with one of the cascading streams in the foregroundThe main swimming pool area Palace…


Lost City at Sun City

The Lost City at Sun City is a fantasy development which recreates an African themed lost city which was inhabited by an ancient civilization complete with ruins of lost temples, statues and carvings of animals, caves, lakes and much more. It all starts on the Bridge of Time. Lined with elephants and surrounded by cliffs carved with wild animals, the Bridge of Time moves and rumbles every hour as if a volcano is about to erupt, smoke and all... The…


Gardens at the Cascades Hotel

The gardens behind the Cascades Hotel at Sun City is absolutely awesome. Not gardens in the traditional sense, but a man made forest garden with streams, ponds and waterfalls. At the bottom of the garden there is a small lake with an aviary next to it, so there are bird sounds all the time. Everything is super green as there are so much water around. On the walk through the gardens visitors will come across several more secluded paths as…


Gary Player Country Club

Just beyond the Cascades Hotel in Sun City is a golfer's paradise. The Gary Player Country Club is one of the country's premier golf courses.The course is one of the world's longest golf courses and stretches over 7000 meters. It borders the Lost City golf course (also designed by Gary Player) as well as the Pilanesberg National Park. In 2008 Compleat Golfer awarded it the #1 position on their Top 10 Courses in South Africa list. It is home to…