Monkey skull

I took Chaos Boy out to Seaview Game and Lion Park on Sunday morning while the girls attended a party. On display in the restaurant / shop area is a number of small animal skulls that they have found on the property over the years. The monkey skull was of particular interest to me and my camera.


Animal masks

The giant animal masks were part of the decorations at yesterday's proceedings with the Minister of Tourism at the Boardwalk. Elephant Monkey (doesn't he look a lot like the monkey in Lion King)The Monkey keeping an eye on the Elephant


What’s everybody looking at?

These four giraffe crossed the road right in front of us at Kragga Kamma Game Park on Sunday. (Why DID the giraffe cross the road? The chicken was having a day off.) As soon as they were on the other side they stopped dead in their tracks and stretched their necks (get it? stretched their necks) and stared down the hill. I wonder what they were looking at.


Kragga Kamma Game Park

Kragga Kamma Game Park is situated just outside the city limits of Port Elizabeth and is a awesome place to go for a morning or afternoon to view game up close. Visitors to the park can drive through in their own cars or book an open vehicle drive along with a ranger. The park boasts an array of animals ranging from rhino, buffalo and cheetah to giraffe, zebra and a host of antelope species. It is a fantastic spot for…

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Big kitty

Kragga Kamma Game Park is situated on the outskirts of Port Elizabeth and is the ideal spot to go and view lots of wild game close to the city if you haven't got enough time to head out to Addo Elephant National Park or one of the bigger game reserve. The reserve has white rhino, buffalo, giraffe, zebra and loads of different antelope. One of the highlights of the visit to Kragga Kamma is the opportunity that visitors has to…


Don’t mess with me

This pic was taken at the Seaview Game and Lion Park just outside Port Elizabeth. It was taken with my old compact digital camera which means that I was really that close... Ok, so there was a fence between us, but it was still close.


Little flying critters

At both the places we camped at over Christmas and New Year we got to see bats. Not tons of bats, but a few flying up and down around about dawn. Whenever they banked low over our heads the Damselfly would give a shriek. Its so girly of her. LOL. On our last night a baby bat flew past us and landed on the side of the tent two spots down from us. We watched him (or her) back its…


Washed up

In Saturday's post I featured what I called beach treasures. These are things that you find on the beach that were either lost there, washed up by the ocean or got there in some natural or unnatural way. Today's post kinda flows out of that idea. The only thing is that today it features a mammal, a sea creature and a bird. And no, there is no punchline to it. Far from it.On our first visit to the shipwreck at…


White Rhino

Everybody knows the Big 5, but why are they called so and what are they? The Big 5 are the 5 most dangerous animals to hunt in Africa. They are the lion, elephant, buffalo, rhino and leopard. There are two types of rhino. The White Rhino and the Black Rhino. So what are the difference and why are they called so.When the Dutch came to the Cape and started exploring the Southern tip of Africa, they discovered all these magnificent…