Mill Park #4

The most well known feature of Mill Park is the Grey School. Here we are looking at the back, from a viewpoint in Mill Park, across one of the tributaries of the Baakens River, which has created many interesting ravines around the perimeter of the suburb. Note the security vehicle parked under the tree. A downside of the ravines is that they provide easy exit points for housebreakers to disappear into, so high walls, armed response, electric fences etc have…


Angels praying

Angels bowing their heads in silence And in sepia... not just because I can, but because I think it looks good. It gives it a certain something which the colour doesn't.


Mill Park #3

As described in the first post 2 days ago, Mill Park is on the edge of the Baakens Valley. So from many streets in the suburb, you get glimpses of the hills across the valley, and many houses, such as these, have lovely views into the kloofs, and the opposite cliffs.


Mill Park #2

Established a century ago, Mill Park still has the atmosphere of a gracious lifestyle when life was lived at a slower pace. The lovely well established trees which line the streets soften the effect of all the high walls in front of the homes, and the trees popping over the tops of the walls give a sort of "secret garden" intrigue as you drive along.


Seedy berries

There is a bush just outside our office front door with these red seeds, berries, seeds, berries seedy berries on. I walk past it every day thinking that I should get a close-up of them, but I never have. Till this week.


Mill Park

Since we recently welcomed anon and arnieo to this blog, both of whom coincidentally live in Houston Texas and used to live in the PE suburb of Mill Park, we thought we'd show a couple of views of this attractive suburb.Mill Park has an interesting history. According the the fascinating "Port Elizabeth in Bygone Days, written in 1947 by JJ Redgrave, "the present Mill Park area derived its name from the fact that there was in the early days an…



Finally, your trip along Marine Drive gets you to the charming little village of Schoenmakerskop. (We featured the sun rising over the sea there last week. )And, if you are lucky, you can enjoy a lazy brunch at the Sacramento restaurant, overlooking the beautiful coastline, and, in the right season, watching whales playing around nearby.