Fygies between the rocks

Vygies is a type of succulent and most of them are in full flower at the moment.  I found this little clump between the rocks in the Tsitsikamma National Park at the Storms River Rest camp.


Tsitsikamma Inheemse woud

Driehonderd jaar gelede het die inheemse woude van die Suidkaap al die pad van omtrent Mosselbaai tot by Humansdorp in die ooste gestrek.  Gedurende die laat 18de en die 19de eeu is groot dele van die woude afgekap om die aanvraag van hout vir die bou van skepe, die spoorweë, geboue en meubels te bevredig.  Dit gepaart met die groot vuur van 1869 en moderne ontwikkeling het daartoe gelei dat daar vandag net 'n klein persentasie van die oorspronklike woud oor is met die grootste…

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Tsitsikamma Kuslyn

Die Tsitsikamma, plek van baie water, is sonder twyfel een van Suid-Afrika se asemrowendste streke. Digte groen inheemse woude waar woudreuse van oor die 800 jaar oud staan word van die blou see geskei deur loodregte kranse.  'n Ongerepte kuslyn met wit skuimende branders wat hulleself te pletter slaan op swart rotse.  Dolfyne en walvisse, otters in 'n sloep, luiperds teen die berg en die skugter Knysnaloerie wat tussen die boomtoppe rondbeweeg.  Stories van houtkappers uit die ou dae, olifantvoetpaaie en wie weet, miskien 'n bosgees of twee.  Duidelik een van die mooiste en…

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Tsitsikamma coastal sunset

Sunset in the Tsitsikamma National Park isn't always the most spectacular as the sun disappears behind the cliffs and mountains fairly early, but I did managed this pic during our last visit to the park.Want to see more pics featuring the sky? Visit Skywatch.


Tsitsikamma National Park

The Tsitsikamma National Park is definitively one of my absolute favorite places on the Garden Route. It is a awesome park with such contrast and natural beauty, its hard to find anything better anywhere else. Forests, towering cliffs, black rock coastline, white waves, blue ocean, streams, beaches... I can go on and on. The park is a very popular stop for tourists travelling the Garden Route. I have done several posts on it on my other blog. These can be…


Arium Lily

By far one of my favourite flowers is the Arium Lily. The grow very much wild in the Tsitsikamma forest because of the high rainfall and lot of water there. Some of the are huge compared to those you see in people's gardens. When I used to be a tourist guide I got to visit the Tsitsikamma very often, but alas I haven't been for a while. This pic I took on the Mouth Trail in the Tsitsikamma National Park…


Nature’s Valley sunset

I love pictures of sunsets. For me its is the best time of the day and if you can find a good spot to take it, it makes for brilliant photos. The following picture I took a little while ago on a camping trip to Nature's Valley on the Garden Route. The Damselfly started to get annoyed with me for hanging around on the beach for ages waiting for the sun to go down, but the result is one of…


Enthralled by the waves

This is one of my favourite photos taken of my kids. It is of my son standing on the rocks in the Tsitsikamma National Park totally enthralled by the waves hitting the rocks. I wanted him to pose like that and struggled to get him to stand just the way I wanted to. I think after a while he got bored with me and started concentrating on the waves. Just what I wanted.

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Garden Route

The area between Port Elizabeth and Cape Town is known as the Garden Route. The specific area stretches from Mossel Bay to the Tsitsikamma, but PE and CT are seen as the two gateways to the area. The reason it is called the Garden Route is not because of fancy manicured gardens but because the area truely is nature's garden. The area consist of beautiful coastlines, mountains, forests, lakes and popular holiday towns. The Garden Route is seen as one…

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Croak, croak

This little guy was sitting in a shallow pool in the Tsitsikamma National Park. All the streams are coloured brown because of the tannin in the water so I nearly missed him if it wasn't for a splash.

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