Kermit’s cousins

There are many different varieties of frogs in Southern Africa, some of them big and others small. Today I have two pics of some of the smaller frogs we have in this part of the world. Now I've never pretended to be some frog expert, so I went to look up their names in one of my animal books. If I'm not 100% on target, well bad luck then. I tried my bestest.This little guy is a Clicking Stream Frog.…


Southern Dwarf Chameleon

I couldn't remember when last I saw a chameleon when I saw this little guy. Taken a little while ago, I was on a drive through the Kragga Kamma Game Park just outside Port Elizabeth when my eye caught a slight movement on the road (well, more like a two track path). I stopped and there it was, slowly making his way across the road. I didn't want somebody to drive over him, so I made sure there were no…


Cape Point Critters

Although the Table Mountain National Park is not a game reserve, it does have some game in the Cape of Good Hope section of the park. Land mammals include zebra, eland and baboon, while dolphins and whales are often spotted along the coastline. Many bird species can be found there as well, from the world's biggest bird, the ostrich, to sometimes antarctic birds making land here. But for all the scenery and everything else there is, its the little things…


Snail graveyard

Just to east of Port Elizabeth is the Sundays River Valley. From the mouth of the Sundays River running east is the biggest coastal dune field in the Southern Hemisphere, namely the Alexandria Dunefields. Recently we went on the Sundays River Ferry for a pleasure ride. The ferry stops close to the river mouth for passengers to get off and go for a short walk onto the dunes. In between the dunes I found this snail "cemetery". It was quite…


At a snail’s pace

I climbed into the garden for a change and cleaned out the weeds in my rock garden. This little snail was quite willing for me to get all close and personal and click away for some photos. Just having a little compact Kodak EasyShare meant that I had to take these pics from about 20cm away. Good thing for me they don't spit, sting or bite.

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Croak, croak

This little guy was sitting in a shallow pool in the Tsitsikamma National Park. All the streams are coloured brown because of the tannin in the water so I nearly missed him if it wasn't for a splash.

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