Pumba Game Reserve lodges

I absolutely love visiting private game reserves, who wouldn't? Luxury accommodation, excellent food, personal service, sipping drinks around a camp fire under the stars and, my ultimate favorite about game reserves, going on game drives in the late afternoon and early morning. I've discovered photos I haven't posted before and here are three from the magnificent Pumba Game Reserve between Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown showing some of their accommodation.  I got to visit Pumba while showing some media around in…


White Lions at Pumba

There are about 500 white lions left in the world, most of them in captivity.  Pumba Game Reserve is one of only a few game reserves in South Africa that has free range white lions on its property.  Pumba's white lions is right at the top of what visitors to the reserve wants to see and it was no different when I got to visit for a night.  On the evening game drive we spotted a female with two cubs in the…


Pumba elephant

After a quick visit we were driving out of Pumba Game Reserve and passing Water Lodge when we found an elephant approaching across a field towards us.  Unfortunately for me the sun was behind him so I couldn't really get a great picture, but that doesn't matter.  He came lumbering along, looked at as pass him and then proceeded down the track towards the lodge.  Probably for breakfast.Looking back at him moseying along towards the lodge  as we were driving away


A face only a mother can love

Its amazing how you get to interact with the animals at game reserves not just from on top of a 4x4 but somethings also face to face.  At a recent visit to Pumba Game Reserve I was walking along the walkway to the rooms at Pumba Water Lodge when I passed this warthog grazing about 2 meters away.  He looked up at me, snorted (as if to let me know I'm in his space and not vice versa) and watched…


Elephant silhouette

I would never ever say no to an opportunity to go on a game drive.  Although I worked as a tourist guide for many years I never worked as a game ranger.  It never really crossed my mind back when I started working, but perhaps if I could do it all over again I may just have gone into that direction.  I still love being out in nature, watching the animals, the sun going down or coming up and most importantly I…


Brown-hooded Kingfisher

On a game drive at Pumba Game Reserve near Port Elizabeth our ranger pointed out a Brown-hooded Kingfisher sitting in a tree next to the game drive vehicle.  The next thing he said kinda got our attention.  He asked us to look around and see if we could see any body of water.  There was none.  The Brown-hooded Kingfisher doesn't necessarily feed on fish but also on insects such as butterflies, bees, wasps, locusts and ants. These invertebrates are usually hawked…