Shark Rock Pier …… again!
Shark Rock Pier, caught in one of her more photogenic moments, on a beautiful sunny day.
Shark Rock Pier, caught in one of her more photogenic moments, on a beautiful sunny day.
The most well known feature of Mill Park is the Grey School. Here we are looking at the back, from a viewpoint in Mill Park, across one of the tributaries of the Baakens River, which has created many interesting ravines around the perimeter of the suburb. Note the security vehicle parked under the tree. A downside of the ravines is that they provide easy exit points for housebreakers to disappear into, so high walls, armed response, electric fences etc have…
As described in the first post 2 days ago, Mill Park is on the edge of the Baakens Valley. So from many streets in the suburb, you get glimpses of the hills across the valley, and many houses, such as these, have lovely views into the kloofs, and the opposite cliffs.
Established a century ago, Mill Park still has the atmosphere of a gracious lifestyle when life was lived at a slower pace. The lovely well established trees which line the streets soften the effect of all the high walls in front of the homes, and the trees popping over the tops of the walls give a sort of "secret garden" intrigue as you drive along.
Since we recently welcomed anon and arnieo to this blog, both of whom coincidentally live in Houston Texas and used to live in the PE suburb of Mill Park, we thought we'd show a couple of views of this attractive suburb.Mill Park has an interesting history. According the the fascinating "Port Elizabeth in Bygone Days, written in 1947 by JJ Redgrave, "the present Mill Park area derived its name from the fact that there was in the early days an…
Finally, your trip along Marine Drive gets you to the charming little village of Schoenmakerskop. (We featured the sun rising over the sea there last week. )And, if you are lucky, you can enjoy a lazy brunch at the Sacramento restaurant, overlooking the beautiful coastline, and, in the right season, watching whales playing around nearby.
Carrying on along Marine Drive, this section of the coast from Shelly Beach to Schoenmakerskop is rugged and rocky. It is always beautiful, but if you happen to be there at the right time of the day it is really stunning!
Another familiar sight along Marine Drive is the Cape Recife Rifle Range. Anyone who was forced to endure National Service in the Apartheid years will remember doing target practice here. Again, due to clearing, it is now more visible from the road than it used to be.
Continuing our little jaunt down Marine Drive, we pass the grounds of the University. Previously known as UPE, it recently amalgamated with the nearby Technikon, and the two are now together known as Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, or NMMU for short.The buildings are a classic example of what is now called "brutal architecture", the raw concrete edifices that were considered the height of modernity in the 70s. They are very spread out, the original intention was to have a built…
While we are in the area, we might as well take you along Marine Drive between Summerstrand and Schoenmakerskop. We featured the beacon the other day. If you travel away from town from there, you enter a Marine reserve, which, until recently, was covered with alien vegetation. However a concerted effort has been made to clear the Port Jackson Willows and now there are views across the dunes to the sea where you could previously only see scraggly bushes. The…