Arch Rock near Plettenberg Bay – best done at low tide

One of the Garden Route attractions I haven't had a chance to visit is Cathedral Rock (also called Arch Rock) at Keurboomstrand near Plettenberg Bay. It's not for a lack of trying though. Arch Rock is only accessible at low tide and we've never spent a couple of days in Plett so it's only been a quick attempt while passing through if there was time. This time around I had the afternoon in town before picking my daughter up from…

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Clinking glasses and eating cheese at Packwood

Having a food and wine lover on a road trip means the trip is likely to be interrupted at some stage or another to indulge, or at least enjoy in moderation, either or both of these.  This is what happened on a recent road trip to Cape Town with fellow tourism peeps and Geocachers Shefetswe and Erenei.  We just left Storms River Village when Shefetswe got a phone call and announced that we were invited for a wine tasting at Packwood Wine Estate between…

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Beacon Isle view – Plettenberg Bay

My previous post was a picture from a scenic lookout spot in Plettenberg Bay looking towards Robberg.  I mentioned that the view to the left is of the Beacon Isle Hotel and the Piesang River Estuary.  This iconic spot is now under threat of a huge development that started out as an request for ideas for a small boat harbour which has ballooned to a multi billion rand development that will change the landscape of Plettenberg Bay for ever.  In my opinion, not for…

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The view of Robberg from Plettenberg Bay

Driving past Plettenberg Bay on the Garden Route means you catch a glimpse of the Keurbooms Lagoon with the bay beyond but you don't actually get to see much of the town and surrounds.  Plettenberg Bay wasn't originally called Baia Formosa (beautiful bay) for nothing and the best spot to enjoy a scenic view of the area is from the lookout reached by driving up Main Street from the town centre and turning left on San Gonzales Street.  The view point gives one a bird's eye…

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Plettenbergbaai sonopkoms

Sonopkoms en sonsondergang fotos is van my gunsteling fotos om te neem.  So rukkie terug het ons 'n naweek op Plettenbergbaai deurgebring.  Dit was 'n bibberend koue oggend en ek het maar gesukkel om uit die bed te kom, maar wou graag op die strand wees vir sonopkoms.  Dit was die moeite werd, want daardie oggend het ek van my gunsteling sonopkoms fotos geneem.  Die enigste probleem was dat ek gevoel het dat ek 'n fokuspunt of onderwerp in die voorgrond wou…

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Die son kom op vir Raakreis

Sonopkoms in Plettenbergbaai met die Tsitsikammaberge in die verte .Wat beteken dit om raak te reis?  Die antwoord is eintlik heel maklik.  Dit beteken om op reis te wees en nie dinge te mis nie.  Dit beteken om alles te sien wat die moeite werd is om te sien, of dit nou 'n bekende landmerk is of 'n klein en onbekende monument.  Dit beteken om nie blindelings te reis nie, maar te verken sonder om na die tyd spyt te wees dat…

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Bramon Wine Estate

Traveling down the Garden Route the other day we stopped at Bramon Wine Estate at The Crags just outside Plettenberg Bay. Bramon was the first wine estate this far east of the Cape Winelands and produces a superior Sauvignon Blanc 'cap classique' sparkling wine. The beauty of Bramon is that the seating for their restaurant is set in the vineyards and visitors can enjoy local wines with cheeses, meats, oysters, pates and homemade bread with the majestic Tsitsikamma mountains in…


Birds of Eden

Seeing that we started touring down the Garden Route I decided to just continue and show you why it is such a popular tourist route. I may interrupt the tour every now and then to do other posts, but we will keep on making our way westwards.The next stop after the Tsitsikamma National Park and the Bloukrantz Bridge is Birds of Eden, situated just outside the town of Plettenberg Bay. Birds of Eden is the World's Biggest Free Flight Bird…


Garden Route

The area between Port Elizabeth and Cape Town is known as the Garden Route. The specific area stretches from Mossel Bay to the Tsitsikamma, but PE and CT are seen as the two gateways to the area. The reason it is called the Garden Route is not because of fancy manicured gardens but because the area truely is nature's garden. The area consist of beautiful coastlines, mountains, forests, lakes and popular holiday towns. The Garden Route is seen as one…

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