St Peter’s Church ruins
Looking into the ruins of the St Peter's Church above the St Mary's Cemetery in South End
Looking into the ruins of the St Peter's Church above the St Mary's Cemetery in South End
Most of Port Elizabeth's monuments are located around Central and the city centre. There are a few outside of those areas though. One example is the Piet Retief monument and another is the Cenotaph in front of the Walmer Townhall. I stopped at the Cenotaph with Drama Princess and snapped a few pics while she was checking it out. The Cenotaph contains the names of the men from Walmer who died during the two world wars. Why does Walmer have…
Een van die mooiste kunsstukke wat deel uitmaak van die nuwe Roete 67 kuns- en kultuurroete in Port Elizabeth is die reuse mosaïek op die Donkin Reservaat. Die moasïek wat deur studente aan die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit gedoen is verteenwoordig aspekte van die Ooskaap. Die sluit in diere, voëls, plante, mense en vele ander dinge. Route 67 bestaan uit 67 kunswerke wat die 67 jaar wat Nelson Mandela in die publieke oog deurgebring het verteenwoordig. Dit begin by die…
Port Elizabeth is die tuiste van een van net twee monumente in die wêreld wat spesifiek opgesit is vir perde. Derduisende perde is na die Kaapkolonie gebring vir die Britse troepe wat in die Anglo Boereoorlog tussen 1899 en 1902 teen die Boeremagte geveg het. Die meeste van hierdie perde is deur Algoabaai ingebring en geskiedenis wys dat meer as 300,000 perde van siektes, uitputting en hongerte gesterf asook doodgeskiet is. Daar was reeds in 1901 'n besluit geneem om 'n monument vir die perde op te rig…
The 470 square meter mosaic next to the pyramid on the Donkin Reserve is one of the art pieces that has been installed in the area as part of the Route 67 development. The mosaic celebrates the many cultures, heritages, diverse histories and abundant fauna and flora that characterises the city and province. The mosaic was done by students from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and is made up of a lot of different details. I have posted a similar…
During the school holidays its always a bit of a challenge to keep bored children busy. Most parents end up taking them to the movies, for ice cream at Micky D's, playing putt putt and games or one of the party places with jungle gyms and trampolines. Me? Well, I try to spend at least a day with the Kidz exploring Port Elizabeth or surrounding area for them to get to know the city better. During the past holiday we headed out to discover some…
One of the things that the redevelopment of the Donkin Reserve in Port Elizabeth has done was inadvertently create the ideal winding downhill skateboard (long board) coarse. This has led to the first Donkin Downhill Dash taking place today. The pathway, starting up at the historic lighthouse and pyramid with its crosses representing democratic votes past and future, makes its way down towards Chapel Street and are long enough for the top skaters to clock times of about 1 minute 22…
The Port Elizabeth City Hall is one of my favorite historic buildings in the city. What makes it even better is that it is surrounded by a number of other historic buildings. The City Hall stands in the Port Elizabeth city centre on Market Square. In the photo the Old Post Office is visible on the left while the two buildings on the right are the Feathermarket Centre and Plein Huis. In the foreground is a replica of the cross planted…
Sunrise over the Port Elizabeth Harbour from Fort FrederickFor more sunrises and other sky related photos from photographers all over the world, visit Skywatch
The figure of a ready-to-charge PAG Sargent-major on top of the Prince Alfred Guard Memorial in Port Elizabeth. PAG Memorial in St Georges Park was erected in remembrance of men from the regiment that died in four different wars, one of them the Anglo Boer War.Visit Skywatch for more neck craning pictures featuring the sky