Penguins under pressure

Last week I saw a stunning yet very sad picture by Luc Hosten on Facebook.  Two days later I was down at Cape Recife in Port Elizabeth and came across the scene photographed by Luc.  The penguin wasn't in the same position anymore and I didn't want to try and recreate the exact scene anyway, so decided on something similar yet slightly further away.  African Penguins are highly endangered and under immense pressure at the moment with some people giving them only 5 years if…

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Kaap Recife vuurtoring

Die Kaap Recife vuurtoring is op 1 April 1851 in gebruik geneem en staan net buite Port Elizabeth op die westelike punt van Algoabaai.  Kaap Recife is die draaipunt in Algoabaai in en word verskriklik gevaarlikste geag as gevolg van Thunderbolt-rif wat oor die eeue al verskeie bote en skepe geëis het.  Die rif self is vernoem na die HMS Thunderbolt wat in 1847 daar op die rotse geloop het.  The vuurtoring is 24 meter hoog en die lig is 4 000 000…

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Kaap Recife Natuurreservaat

Die Kaap Recife Natuurreservaat in Port Elizabeth beslaan omtrent 370 hektaar om die westelike punt van Algoabaai.  Die reservaat is idiaal vir voëlkyk beide aan die kus en om die waterherwinningspoele.  Die beste manier om die reservaat te verken is om op die 9km lange Roseate Tern wandelroete gaan.  Die roete begin by SAMREC (South African Marine Rehabilitation and Education Centre), 'n pikkewyn reddingssentrum, voor dit by die waterherwinningspoele verby gaan.  Die roete lei dan deur plantbedekte sandduine en verby 'n uitkykpos…

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Shark Rock Pier in HDR

I've never used the HDR effect on any of my photo.  Some people over use it but making all their pics HDR although it does enhance some pictures beautifully.  My main reason though is because I don't have Photoshop.  Over the weekend I discovered that Picasa does have a HDR effect button (don't know how I missed it before) so I decided to try it out on a picture I took of Shark Rock Pier in Port Elizabeth last week.   


Rough sees

The other day during spring high tide we also had a strong easterly wind blowing here in Port Elizabeth and that normally means a very rough sea.  I popped down to Hobie Beach to have a look and got a couple of pics around Shark Rock Pier.  


Beach birds

A couple of kelp gulls on Kings Beach in Port Elizabeth with Shark Rock Pier and the old slipway at Humewood Beach background.


Beach stroll

The weather was so stunning the other day that I couldn't resist going down to Kings Beachat lunchtime for a walk and a couple of pics. This person was coming down the beach towards me with the Port Elizabeth harbour wall in the background and I couldn't help but to snap one to see what it would come out like.


Ironman swimmers

The competitors in Ironmann South Africa setting off on the 3,8km swimming leg at Hobie Beach in Port Elizabeth. In the background is the the boat of the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI). For more of my pictures of Ironman SA, go here.


Humewood slipway

Before the Port Elizabeth Harbour was built in the 1930's, boats in need of repaired were serviced at the Humewood Slipway. The boat would sail in between the pillars and then got pulled onto the slipway using a steam pulley. Today the slipway is a very popular snorkeling site and are used by scuba diving schools for their students' first shore dive. Humewood Beach right next door is the oldest Blue Flag beach in South Africa and currently one of…



When I took this pic I had no artistic intentions other than getting a picture from close to the sand with the river as a backdrop and the boat for some perspective. Only once I downloaded the pic did I realise that there are four, just about perfect, triangles in the picture.