The Cape St Francis Lighthouse

There are 49 lighthouses (according to Wikipedia) along South Africa's 2800 km long coastline. The oldest is the Green Point Lighthouse built in 1824 while the newest one was built at Groenrivier Mouth in the Northern Cape in 1988. I have a thing for lighthouses and wouldn't mind traveling from lighthouse to lighthouse one day when I'm big to be able to tick them all off as visited. The lighthouse at Seal Point in Cape St Francis was complete in…

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Walking at the lighthouse

There are so many great trails and paths along the coast around the Seal Point Lighthouse in Cape St Francis. We did some Geocaching in the area and I snapped this pic of Chaos Boy.

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Attractions on the Donkin Reserve

Last week I took a group of students on a walking tour around the Donkin Reserve and Route 67 and just realised again how much history Port Elizabeth has. The Donkin Reserve is a combination of history and public art and lining up the mosaic with the pyramid and lighthouse like this shows how easily you can incorporate the two.

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Donkin Reserve seen from the Campanile

And with that 2017 is gone and 2018 have arrived.  I have seen a lot of people say that they are glad 2017 is over and done with and I took a little time to contemplate my own 2017.  I came to the conclusion that it actually wasn't a bad year for me at all.  It was very busy though both from a personal as well as a work point of view and right now I can't see 2018 being…

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PE historic icons

The Donkin Lighthouse (actually called The Hill Lighthouse built in 1861) and the Pyramid (actually called the Donkin Memorial built in 1820), two of Port Elizabeth's most iconic historic landmarks.


Donkin Lighthouse and Memorial

The Donkin Reserve is one of Port Elizabeth's iconic tourism sites and combines history and public art.  The pyramid, called the Donkin Memorial, was commissioned by Sir Rufane Donkin in 1820 as a memorial to his wife Lady Elizabeth Donkin after whom he also named the town.  The lighthouse, actually called the Hill Lighthouse, was built in 1861 as a warning signal to approaching ships.  Although not in use anymore it offers one of the best views anywhere in the…

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Donkin Mosaic Steps

The view up the Mosaic Steps at the Donkin Reserve must be one of my favorite views of this iconic spot.

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