Acacia Karroo Sunset
The Karoo is big sky country so when the sun sets its something to behold. In the foreground of this sunset is the branch of an Acacia Karroo (Sweet Thorn tree)
The Karoo is big sky country so when the sun sets its something to behold. In the foreground of this sunset is the branch of an Acacia Karroo (Sweet Thorn tree)
During the hot dry summer the Karoo veld can be somewhat of a bleak affair, but during the winter it's a different matter. Aloes bloom in all their fiery glory decorating the landscape like Christmas lights. Aloes, like proteas, are often found in the most unlikely and inhospitable places, growing in hot temperature and low rainfall areas and not needing the delicate hands of somebody with green fingers to nurture it. One of natures natural wonders.The post is part of the…
After the posting Quintessential Karoo and Karoo Icons - Farm Gate I decided to string together a series of posts showing off some of the Karoo icons I photographed on my last visit to the Karoo. To me the Karoo is big sky country and the sky makes for a big part of any photograph taken in the area. The night skies are the most impressive you will see anywhere with the Milky Way stretching from horizon to horizon in all…
After posting "Quintessential Karoo" of the people walking on the dirt road in the Karoo the other day I started thinking. What do people associate with the Karoo? I came up with the following. Big skies, dusty roads, wind mills (windpompe), flowering aloes, sheep and Angora goats, Karoo koppies, inspiring silence, beautiful sunsets, farm gates, Karoo bush and historic towns and landmarks. The Karoo has so much to offer, you just need to know where to look and what to look for.
Dusty roads with flowering aloes alongside and farm workers walking along seemingly in the middle of nowhere - Quintessential Karoo
Going anywhere with the KidZ in a car, and that includes the local supermarket a couple of blocks from home, more often than not result in a back seat battle of some sorts. When those back seat battles start to take on epic proportions and I'm forced to stop in a cloud of dust on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere to threaten them that I will be kicking them out the car and leave them just there, then you know…
Clan Firefly spent a memorable long weekend across the Zuurberg enjoying the best the southern Karoo has to offer and as soon as I get a chance to edit the pictures and write a blog post or two I will share it all with you. Here's a taste of what we did so long, most of which were new experiences for the KidZ. Game drives at Kuzuko Lodge...... looking for big game. Learning about the history of Ann's Villa... ... and taking in…
Most of the time I post pictures of historic buildings or beaches so I decided to post of pic of a Black Legged Golden Orb Web Spider today. The reason for the name is the gold coloured thread they spin their webs with. Taken with a bit of back lighting you can actually see the golden thread in this pic. The picture was taken to the west of Port Elizabeth in the Maitland area.
Suid-Afrika is vol van klein dorpies met interessante verhale en plekke om te ontdek, maar een van die wat baie hoog op enige iemand se lys behoort te wees is die Uilhuis in die Karoodorp Nieu-Bethesda. Nieu-Bethesda lê so 50km noord van Graaff-Reinet en is in 1838 deur Charles Murray, 'n Nederduitse Gereformeerde dominee van Graaff-Reinet, gestig. Met die stigting van die dorp het hy gesê, "En laten wy deze plaats nu Bethesda noemen" vanwee die vrugbaarheid van die plek en die aanwesigheid…
Party mense vind die baie vervelig om deur die Karoo te reis, maar vir meeste het die groot ooptes met die weie blou hemel bokant 'n spesiale aantrekking. Na 'n warm somers dag kan 'n donderstorm baie gou opsteek soos hier net buite Steynsburg in the Ooskaap. Die twee Karookoppies in die agtergrond is Teebus en Koffiebus omtrent 10km buite die dorp. Die "bus" is blykbaar ou Nederlands vir pot en die naam kom van die feit dat hulle soos 'n teepot…