Golden Orb Web Spider

Most of the time I post pictures of historic buildings or beaches so I decided to post of pic of a Black Legged Golden Orb Web Spider today.  The reason for the name is the gold coloured thread they spin their webs with.  Taken with a bit of back lighting you can actually see the golden thread in this pic.  The picture was taken to the west of Port Elizabeth in the Maitland area.


Die gezoem van die bye

Daar is 'n gesegde wat sê: "Gaan groot of gaan huis toe".  Miskien het hierdie heuningby dit gedink op haar daaglikse nektar ronte.  Hoekom nou in klein blommetjies gaan rondkrap as daar 'n perfekte goeie Koningsprotea is om in te gaan nektar versamel.

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Ek kan dit nie genoeg sê nie en julle sal dit nog seker baie hoor, maar mense is geneig om altyd vir die groot goed te soek en dan die klein dingetjies te mis.  Klein dingetjies soos 'n eenvoudige slakdop op 'n blaar.

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Black Legged Golden Orb-Web Spider

I'm not a big bug fan unless I'm looking at it through my camera, but if I had to choose my favorite spider it has to be the Golden Orb-Web Spider.  They get their name from the gold coloured web that they spin.  I have seen them at Sleepy Hollow before and with this last visit kept an eye out for one as we were walking along the river.  And I wasn't disappointed.


Die klein dingetjies

Dis so maklik om as reisiger soveel op die groot dinge te konsentreer dat mens die klein goedjies miskyk.  Gedurende 'n besoek aan Addo Elephant Back Safaris in die Zuurberge net langs die Addo Olifant Nasionale Park het ons onder andere saam met die olifante gaan stap.  Terwyl hulle water gedrink het het ek hierdie skoenlappertjie langs die dammetjie gekry en hy het lank genoeg stilgesit sodat ek langs hom kon gaan lê om die foto te kry.

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Flightless Dung Beetle

One of the smallest but best known inhabitants of the Addo Elephant National Park is the Flightless Dung Beetle (Circellium bacchus).  The Flightless Dung Beetle is endemic to the Addo Elephant Park and surrounds and very unique in the fact that they can't fly and hence the name.  This fact also makes the beetle a vulnerable species as they only use elephant and buffalo dung to feed off and lay their eggs in and at the time when these animals…


Testing 1-2-3

I've been fiddling with the blog's layout all evening, changing dimensions so that I can add bigger pictures and redesigning the title masthead.  I think I may have it now so the flower with the fly on it will act as a test run.  I do still have a number of pictures that have been edited smaller for the old layout so they will still get posted, but all the new ones will be this size from now on.  Any comments…


Hairy caterpillar

I found this hairy caterpillar taking a stroll down my driveway and crawled around with it for a little while taking some pictures.  I couldn't find it in my The Wildlife of Southern Africa book and only found two or three pics of it on the internet.  Unfortunately non of them had descriptions, so for now it will have to stay nameless. 


Protea bug

When I was doing a bit of research for the post on Pin Cushion Proteas, I found the following information: "Proteas aren't self-pollinating and depend on the small scarab beetles and the birds for pollination."  Now I don't think this little dude sitting on the King Protea is a scarab beetle, but if he does the job who am I to question what he's doing there.