Pin Cushion Proteas

We headed out to the Van Stadens Wildflower Reserve west of Port Elizabeth the other day and found lots of Pin Cushion Proteas (Leucospermum cordifolium) in flower.  Caroline has pointed me to the PlantZAfrica website which has great information on South African plants and flowers. Pin Cushion Proteas are part of the Cape Floral Kingdom, better known as the Fynbos biome.  The Cape Floral Kingdom is indemic to South Africa and found mainly between the Cape West Coast area and Port Elizabeth.  The…


Fynbos display

The display hut at the Van Stadens Wildflower Reserve west of Port Elizabeth has fresh cuttings on display of all the fynbos species and flowers that can be found in the reserve.  The display is situated very close to the gate, so a quick stop there is recommended to have a look for what is currently in flower throughout the reserve.

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Van Stadens Wild Flower Reserve

The Van Stadens Wild Flower Reserve is situated about 40 kilometers west of Port Elizabeth.  The reserve is 450 hectares in size and includes both pristine fynbos along the plateau and coastal forest in the gorge.  There are several hiking trails through the reserve and one of them will take you to the spot from where the Van Stadens Bridge is visible.  One of the magnificent flowers that grow in the reserve is the King Protea, South Africa's national flower.



This is the time of year that Clivias are in full flower.  The Clivia (pronounced Clee-via) is a flower that is indigenous to Southern Africa where they grow wild in forested woodland areas.  The Clivia plants are all members of the Amaryllidaceae family.The plant's flowers are carried in clusters on stout stems and range in colour from yellows to rich oranges and shades of deep red.  The leaves are strap shaped, fleshy and even when not in flower the foliage provides excellent dark…


Flowering Aloe

There are few flowers, in my mind, that comes close to the aloe when in full flower. Driving through the countryside and seeing hundreds of these magnificent flowers in full bloom makes me want to stop and pull out my camera. This one I photographed in the Gamtoos Valley west of Port Elizabeth.


Grave yard flowers

I found these flowers growing in St Mary's Cemetery the other day on one of my grave yard exploration trips. I'm not sure what they are, but any passer-by would have been very confused about this dude crawling around between the old graves.


Birthday flowers

Yeh yeh, I know the Northern Hemisphere readers of this blog doesn't want me to keep on reminding them that it is spring down here and hence winter approching for them, but this isn't a spring flowers post. Although it could be. *wink* No, its a I'm giving flowers to myself birthday post. Twenty one plus VAT (which is 14 in SA). Like I said on my Facebook status, if I was a professional sportman I would be retiring soon.…


Spring is in the air

Today is Spring Day. Winter is busy packing it's bags to head north and summer is knocking on the door. Happy Spring Day. I posted a similiar pic on The Firefly Photo Files the other day, but its very suitable for here on PEDP for today. The photo was taken in Victoria Park.