Part of the ruins of St Peter’s Church in South End. Built in 1877, the church was partly demolished by the apartheid government to prevent members of the congregation to return after the community was forcibly removed in 1965. For more info and pictures, visit
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Love to see picturea of old arcitecture againgst the sky. So this picture run right into my heart.Thank you for let me see it 🙂
sad to see such nice building demoliced. and for what? people.. great capture for SWF!
Your pics are always fantastic!Great shot!Happy SWF!
Interesting photo! Old ruins against a blue sky, beautiful!
another great photo, such a perfect blue sky.Gill in Canada
Great picture. Grim piece of history though.
Brilliant blue sky filtering through that beautiful ruin.
Beautiful picture! I love the contrast from the ruins against the blue sky.
Sad history but a beautiful skywatch shot.
Great contrast and an interesting place.Sharon
What a sad fate for the church and congregation.
a great shot…like the composition and the color and textue…sad, sad story about how it came to be in this condition though. thanks for sharing.
What a great photo! Happy SWF!