leaving port at sunrise

I will never tire of watching the big ships being shepherded in and out of the harbour by the powerful little tugs, this was around 5am last Saturday. You can see the Port Captains watch tower in the background.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Nancy

    I love watching the ships as well. How do those little tugs do it?Nice blog!

  2. Firefly

    I can never get over how those little tugs can keep those big ships from bumping something.

  3. sam

    Did you know that they let the public ride on them? I have been out of harbour on one, to bring a huge container ship in….it was RAD!!!! the power of the tug, and the multidirectional thrust of the motors, combined with the skill of the crew and the feeling of being dwarfed by the ship, even though the tugs aren’t really all that small, makes for an exciting outing!

  4. AJ

    I really miss that harbour

  5. richard

    RIO DE JANEIROwas built in the city i was born, Mangalia, Romania, Black Sea.

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