
We are extremely lucky to have access to some of Africa’s most beautiful wildlife right on our doorstep. The Kragga Kamma Game Farm lies on the outskirts of the city, in a semi built up area of smallholdings and smaller farms. So we just have to drive 15 mins from the centre of town to be amongst these lovlies… as well as rhino, buffalo, giraffe, zebra, cheetah, and numerous other species. As environmental purists, we find it a little disconcerting seeing them gazing on Kikuyu grass (commonly used for lawns around here) and alien tree species, but it is still great to be able to see them so easily…… and if we want to see them in their natural habitat, the amazing Addo Elephant Park is only an hour away.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Kate

    Beautiful animals! How did the surgery go??

  2. Rambling Round

    At first I thought there were three, then saw four, but there are five! Beautiful.

  3. Wendy

    They look as interested in you, as you are in them. What a nice view to be able to see from your doorstep. Hope all is going well for you and your husband.

  4. sam

    Yes, thanks. he is still in intensive care and in quite a bit of discomfort, but is doing ok. I have been posting updates on my blog (link to sue’s blog is on sidebar.)

  5. WebOJ

    Oooh! The little one in the rear is so cute! Lucky you to get to see them for real.

  6. Avril

    Great photos!! Looking forward to seeing more from your family day out!

  7. Janet

    Nice photo's! Although so common they really are quite pretty and I like seeing them in the Park when we go!

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