Cannon Rocks is a little holiday resort town on the Sunshine Coast about 120 km east of Port Elizabeth. The town (if you can call it a town) consists mostly of holiday homes and retired people and reminded me of Paradise Beach. This was were my grandparents retired and we spent every school holiday there, playing amongst the dunes, building forts in the bush, exploring between the rocks and off cause swimming. But I digress. Cannon Rocks, and neighboring Boknes, have miles of sandy beaches ideal for swimming, kite surfing, fishing or just walking hand in hand… or running after the Rugrats, whichever you prefer.

My favorite pic of my time spent at the wreck was this one.
Wow, what an amazing last photo…I have never been to the Cannon Rock, actually never been to PE…how sad is that hey.Amazing the things that give one such amazing photographys.
Great last shot, and what an interesting and beautiful place to be, the sea and sky are so blue …keeep ’em coming, cant wait till tomorrow, to see whats next.
oh my word, these were SOOOOO worth waiting for, i love the bottom two. the flare in the bottom one MAKES it! hehe. I am quite shocked at how badly the wreck has deteriorated in the 8 odd years since my photos were taken!
Firefly, these are very good!! You are really getting very good at this craft!
wow- that last photos is fantastic
Great composition, lighting and colors on these. Looking forward to the sunset too!
Am working my way backwards on your photo file – (which I always find so interesting!) – sounds like a great place – ashamed to say, like Marcelle, never been to PE or surrounds. Sadly, a lot of SA we haven’t seen – maybe when we retire we will have the time …