There is an Afrikaans song that says that if you get tired of life in the city you have to go for a walk in the countryside. In Port Elizabeth we are very very fortunate to have a lot of countryside right on our doorstep withing the city boundaries. Places like the Baakens Valley, Sacramento Trail, Cape Recife, Kragga Kamma area and Maitland River Valley to mention only a few.
Maitland River
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Looks so peaceful. Beautiful.
Yes, but can one walk there safely?
Hi Warge. The part of the Maitland River I refer to is at Sleepy Hollow which is a campsite upstream and a great place to camp and walk. I took my kids to St Georges the other day during the week and didn't feel unsafe at all while Cape Recife hasn't had an incident since the new conservatory and partnerships have been formed. Even Settlers Park is becoming a safer area to go for a walk again. Personally I see it like this. Its dangerous to drive a car or cross the road as thousands of people are killed every year doing that. The best you can do is keep your eyes open and be as safe as you can. The same goes for going to all these places.
HiFirefly, I'd like to suggest that you drive a little further next time and visit the Van Stadens Flower Reserve. There are some great photo opportunities there of indigenous flowers, trees, dams etc. The Friends of Van Stadens are doing some great work there to keep the Reserve going.