World Cup Soccer Stadium #2

When one embarks on a project such as this you need some serious equipment to get the job done. This “giant” crane is used to lift the the trusses into place. To get an idea of its size, look at the guy standing at the base of the crane. Yesterday’s picture of the stadium shows the crane towering over the structure.

There is a great deal of activity as the construction team prepare to put the next truss in place. From my observations it seems to take about a week to put one up. The crane truck is dwarfed by the crane.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. melanie

    C’est grandiose … mais je crois que le monde consacre trop d’argent au sport et pas assez pour la vie des gens !

  2. Anonymous

    may I translate Melanie’s comment :its awesome… but I think the world is spending too much money on sport and not enough on people’s livesyour translater (if needed)Gaston

  3. Jeanne

    Nice to see things are moving along after all the naysayers going on about how we could NEVER be ready in time…

  4. sam

    Gaston, merci.Melanie, d’accord! C’est vraiment stupide!(Very rusty French learned at school a LONG LONG time ago!)

  5. Anonymous

    very good effort Sam, I also started learning english with swear words (Joking of course)Gaston

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