Traditional Dancers at Kwantu

On my recent trip accompanying the Chinese Travel Services delegation around Cape Town and more importantly the Port Elizabeth area, one of our overnight stops was Kwantu Private Game Reserve. Kwantu is one of the only game reserves in our area that offers visitors a traditional dance performance as part of the stay at the reserve. The dance group comes from a nearby town and it is great to see the reserve owners supporting such a group.

Here the group is performing a traditional dance of one of South Africa’s indigenous tribes.

A shot taken from outside the boma across one of the camp fires

This young lady was enjoying herself so much and really threw everything into her performance (as does the whole groups). The white dots on her face is a traditional decoration for women.

This young guy’s hands were moving so fast on the drum that it took me a while to actually get a shot where his hands are both on his drum. The rhythm these guys keep on these drums is unbelievable.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. carol

    Wow! Firefly – your pics are stunning.

  2. Karin

    Love the one showing the face decorations!

  3. Ann

    Your posts are just the most interesting pieces to read and your images are superb 🙂

  4. Suzi-k

    these are very cool pix, i like the way you show stuff that is interesting to overseas readers, yet also from a perspective that is not the common sort of tourist pix, so it is also very interesting to us locals.

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