This bright and cheerful looking building is part of the new section of the Law Courts in North End. It is a bit misleading, because most people who are going inside are far from cheerful. Whether you are a defendant, or a witness, usually the process of the trial is taxing for all.
Max and I found ourselves there this week to give evidence against an intruder we caught in October 2006. (18 months ago!!!!!) If you want to know more, you can read about the incident and the court here. I had to put my camera in a locker, but our cellphones with cameras were allowed….?!
Oh that blue sky! I need some of that so badly right now. A cheerful courthouse, that’s quite surprising.”I had to put my camera in a locker, but our cellphones with cameras were allowed….?!”Same ridiculousness here. ~8[
A cheerful building for very important business. Odd rules, I agree re. cameras.
Wow – that’s a gigantic improvement on the old buildings (although I believe there are still bits that look as ghastly as ever). I remember the New Law Courts as being one of the more dismal places I had to go for my job and in recent years they have featured in the Herald for all the wrong reasons – infestations of fleas, terrible smells forcing court evacuation and the like…!