City slickers

This family of dikkops were observed in Richmond Hill yesterday. Despite their natural habitat being systematically eroded by urbanization, these birds have managed to adapt well to city life. Normally they will be found in open fields, but these birds have somehow ended up in a very built up area, where there is a risk to the chick, from cats and dogs.Lets hope they have the sense to relocate to a more suitable area. For another picture of the mother…

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Mailand River Mouth

The Maitland River Mouth must have one of the nicest unspoilt beaches in the country. This is a view looking toward the coastal suburb of Blue Horizon Bay, taken yesterday evening with oyster catchers feeding in the foreground. Judging from the signage at the parking lot this is about to change with some planned development. There are some places along our coastline that would be better served by leaving them unspoilt by development - this is one of them.


Pretty Flamingo

It is always a pleasure to see the flamingos, as they return to the salt pans at Swartkops in spring. This year the numbers are still fairly low but hopefully more will arrive in the weeks ahead.The flamingos are quite shy and do not let one get too close for photogrphs, so you have to take what you can get.


Wildlife at the Boardwalk

A pair of Egyptian Geese have made their home at the Boardwalk Casino complex and can be seen here paddling across the lake with their three goslings. For more pictures go to The Max Files


happy birthday dear Ma-ax….tra la

It is the m in sam's birthday today, and the family decided on an outing to the wonderful Addo Elephant Game Park which we are lucky enough to have on our doorstep. So we packed a great picnic and set off this afternoon when our son-in-law got home from work.Addo is looking quite dry, which is a bit scary, because we should have had some major rain at this time of year. As we drove in we saw a huge…


wildlife in the suburbs

If you get bored with the miniture trains, you can always go game viewing. These guinea fowl have taken "ownership" of the local neighbourhood and are a delight to watch.

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Woo-Hoo, The whales are back

If you are anywhere near the Southern coast of Africa in the next two months, don't forget that the whales are back! If you get a chance, take a drive along the coast and see if you can spot them. We went to Schoenmakerskop this afternoon, and had a wonderful time sitting on a bench, freezing our butts off and watching groups of them cruising past. We were delighted to catch a couple of them breaching. On the horizon there…


Horses in PJs

More animals from the Kragga Kamma Game Farm. Because the only predators in the area (cheetahs) are fenced in, these zebra and the other animals are very relaxed, and it is possible to get quite close to them.

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