Discover Freedom Mandela Bay, of which Port Elizabeth is part of, has a superb destination marketing video that has won two international awards.  If you've never seen it its well worth watching and if you have, watch it again.  If you live (or have lived) in PE this video will give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside and usually makes me want to get out and explore.

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“South Africa is different” promotional video Africa is a popular tourist destination and visitors often just come here for the scenery and wildlife, leaving with so much more.  South Africa has some of the most beautiful scenery in the world and the wildlife experiences are unequalled, but it's also about the people, the cultures, the food, the rural country side and the urban vibe.  One thing that many people don't expect is how modern South Africa is, how you can go from a small village in the middle…

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I am an African and proud of it am an African and I am proud to call myself an African.  Yes, my forefathers came from Europe a couple of hundred years ago, but my father, grand father, great grand father and before him was born in Africa.  As was I.  Does it mean that the fact that I am white means I'm not an African?  I beg to differ from anybody who would so say so.  I am a white African.  A proud African.  One with a passion for…

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The Hinterveld Story yesterday's post, Mohair Weaving, I discovered a video on YouTube called The Hinterveld Story.  The video shows some of the scenes and things you would see if you go on the Hinterveld Mohair Mill Tour in Uitenhage and the story of Hinterveld as told by Daniel Stucken.  Well worth a watch.  I know some PEDP purists would say, "But this isn't a photo. Where is our daily photo?" A photo tells a 100 words and this video does more.  I…

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