Sulfurous skies….

The sky on Monday really fitted that cliche, there was a storm brewing, lots of noise and razzle dazzle, but very little in the way of decent precipitation. But it created that amazing yellow glow you sometimes see, and everything took on an orange tinge. This photo was taken from Benno Road in Charlo, by Sally Gush. (She is sadly leaving our shores soon, and will be greatly missed, as an aquarobics instructor, she is going to be a hard…


Skywatch: Pearlised clouds

In all my years of watching clouds, this is something I have never seen before. When fetching our kids from the airport recently, we were greeted with shimmering pearlescent clouds as the lowering sun caught them at just the right angle to create irridescent colours across them, and we went home gasping at the sight of emerald green clouds. To see more Skywatch photos, go to the site and follow the links, you'll see wonderful photos and meet a great…


Sky Watch – Whirly Bird

Well this is one way to cruise the coast in style. This shot was taken at Schoenmakerskop, looking towards the Maitland River Mouth and Beach View.Most of our visits to other sky watch posts will be as either Suzi-k or Max-e.Visit Tom at Wiggers World for more Sky Watch pictures.