The endangered African Unicorn

"Look mom, tourist types!" One of the most precious things one can probably see in nature is a mother and her baby. Even more precious if it is an endangered animal like the White Rhino. The sad part of spotting and photographing rhino is that people get all up in arms when you publish your photos to show off these magnificent animals. I took the photos in this post somewhere in 2018 and as much as I would like to…

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 I can't think that there are many people out there who doesn't know about the plight of the rhino yet 618 rhino has been killed by poachers in South Africa this year so far to satisfy the demand for rhino horn in the East.  At this rate rhino could disappear of the face of this earth before I have grandchildren one day and posts like this would only be possible with old photos or ones like this rhino conservation piece outside the…


World Rhino Day

Today we celebrate the third annual World Rhino Day not just here in South Africa, but world wide.  World Rhino Day highlight the plight of the rhino which is targeted by ruthless poachers all over the world for their horns which are thought to have medicinal properties by the people in most countries in the Far East.  Part of World Rhino Day is to debunk the myths and diminish the demand for rhino horn.  Up to 12 September rhino poaching in…


Ode to the white rhino

I've been very fortunate to visit a couple of different game reserves over the last year or so and would like to share the following White Rhino pictures with you.  In the light of the pressure that poachers are putting on the rhino population I won't divulge which game reserve I took the pictures at.  Very sad really.  We were lucky enough to see them on both our game drives and it was amazing just sitting there in silence while…


White (wijdmond) Rhino

Popular theory is that the White Rhino got its name from the fact that the English misunderstood what the Dutch meant when they referred to it as the Wijdmond Renoster.  Wijd is Dutch for wide which referred to the rhino's wide mouth.  The white rhino or square-lipped rhinoceros is a grazer and eats grass, preferring the shortest grains, hence the wide mouth comes in very handy.  Kinda like a living lawnmower.


Wit Renosters

Dit is 'n hartseer realiteit dat die renosters in Suid-Afrika onder 'n hengse druk geplaas word as gevolg van stropers wat hulle skiet en die horings uitkap.  Die horings word dan na die Ooste gesmokkel waar daar 'n groot aanvraag is omdat hulle dink die horings medisinale kragte het.  Dis 'n baie hartseer situasie en as dit nie gou gestop word nie mag daar dalk geen renosters oor wees in hierdie land oor 10 jaar nie.Die witrenoster (Ceratotherium simum) is nie regtig wit nie.  Hy…

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Die Groot Vyf

Wie of wat is die Groot Vyf?  Kom ons wees meer spesifiek en sê die Groot Vyf van die diereryk, anders dink mense dalk ons praat van lande, natuurwonders of toerisme-attraksies.  So, wie of wat is die Groot Vyf van die diereryk?  Dis nie die vyf grootste diere of die mooiste vyf nie, maar die vyf wilde diere wat die gevaarlikste was om te voet te jag in Afrika.  Ek sê was want vandag is dit niks om 'n dier vanaf die agterkant…

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Big 5

The Big Five was the phrase given by big-game hunters to the five most difficult or dangerous animals in Africa to hunt on foot. These days the Big 5 is high on the list of must-see attractions on a tourist's list of things to do or see when visiting South Africa. I present to you, The Big 5. African Elephant (Loxodonta africana)Lion (Panthera leo)Cape Buffalo (Syncerus caffer)White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) (above) or Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) Leopard (Panthera pardus)


White Rhino

Everybody knows the Big 5, but why are they called so and what are they? The Big 5 are the 5 most dangerous animals to hunt in Africa. They are the lion, elephant, buffalo, rhino and leopard. There are two types of rhino. The White Rhino and the Black Rhino. So what are the difference and why are they called so.When the Dutch came to the Cape and started exploring the Southern tip of Africa, they discovered all these magnificent…