Relic from the past

The enterance to the Walmer Town Hall on Main Road Walmer is a reminder of a by-gone era. The hall was built in 1908, when Walmer was still a separate town and municipality. It has long since been incorporated as a suburb of Port Elizabeth.


Wildlife at the Boardwalk

A pair of Egyptian Geese have made their home at the Boardwalk Casino complex and can be seen here paddling across the lake with their three goslings. For more pictures go to The Max Files


Donkin Reserve lit up

When I went to visit my sister in hospital the other night to see my new niece, I drove by the Donkin Reserve and had to stop to take this pic. The moon was beautiful in the sky and the floodlights on the lighthouse made it a pretty sight. I have posted a day pic of the Donkin Reserve before here: found that the pic wasn't exactly what I wanted it to be. I also tried to take one…


donkin sunrise

The flagpole in front of the Donkin Lighthouse and Pyramid, at sunrise. To the left in the distance is the Brick Campanile, erected in honour of the 1820 settlers.


Baakens Valley – the power of protest

We recently carried a series of photos taken at the upper end of the Baakens River Valley. This picture was taken near where the Valley enters the harbour.I am not sure that many people in the city know why this part of the Settlers Freeway has been left hanging over the Baakens Street, just before the old PE Tramways Building. It was to be the on ramp for a freeway that was to be built through the Baakens Valley but…



The sea wall between Sidon Street and Mount Road was badly damaged by this weeks huge waves, large chunks of concrete were tossed onto the railway lines.As you can see these Municipal workers have a massive task ahead of them!


more havok

Even before the major tsunami type waves that did all the damage on Monday, the seas on Sunday were building up unusually high. On Sunday afternoon we took a stroll along the beachfront (yes, in our case it is "mad dogs and SouthAfricans go out in the freezing gale!") hehe. But we couldn't resist the opportunity to snap away despite fingers so frozen they could barely operate the camera!We have often shown the wonderful wide pristine sands of King's Beach…


more spring tides….

Continuing our coverage of the spring day havok, the section of the Settlers freeway that runs past Sidon street towards Albany road also took a pounding. Even after the waves had eased up a bit, they were pretty impressive.These are the main railway lines that feed Port Elizabeth, an as you can see it may be a while before normal services resume! A huge concrete section of the breakwater wall was tossed onto the tracks like a lego block by…