The KidZ are Ironkids

This past weekend (12 - 14 April 2013) was Ironman weekend in Port Elizabeth which, in addition to the main Ironman event on Sunday, also included an Irongirl 8km run on Friday and Corporate Ironman and Ironkids on Saturday.  Both Ironkids and Irongirl are the biggest events of their kind in the world.  Just for those who don't know what Ironman is, its an ultra triathlon with competitors doing a 3,8 km swim followed by a 180 km cycle and ending off…


People watching

Taking a walk along Port Elizabeth beachfront I spotted this kelp gull standing on a light pole along the walkway looking at all the sun worshippers go by.  People watching. That's the life.

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Donkin mosaïek op Roete 67

Een van die mooiste kunsstukke wat deel uitmaak van die nuwe Roete 67 kuns- en kultuurroete in Port Elizabeth is die reuse mosaïek op die Donkin Reservaat.  Die moasïek wat deur studente aan die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit gedoen is verteenwoordig aspekte van die Ooskaap.  Die sluit in diere, voëls, plante, mense en vele ander dinge.  Route 67 bestaan uit 67 kunswerke wat die 67 jaar wat Nelson Mandela in die publieke oog deurgebring het verteenwoordig.  Dit begin by die…

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Port Elizabeth – Firefly’s top 10 attractions

Geogypsy was one of the very first blogs I followed and still is one of my absolute favorites.  Gaelyn is a traveller at heart and spends half the year working as a park ranger at the Grand Canyon National Park.  If somebody gave her half the chance she would travel the world professionally and write about as she goes.  A couple of years ago she visited South Africa for a month but by the time she passed Port Elizabeth her time…


Lewer in die township

Ek is mal oor lewer, maar nie almal is groot aanhangers daarvan nie.  In die townships is dit wel baie gewild en word verkoop op baie straathoeke waar kos gemaak en direk uit die potte aan verbygangers verkoop word.  Onlangs het ek 'n toer vir 'n groep na New Brighton township in Port Elizabeth gereel en een van die stopplekke was 'n "wegneemete" hoek.  Hier het een van my kollegas 'n pot lewer en uie voorberei en alhoewel baie van die mense…

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Klein treintjies

Op die eerste Sondag van die maand stroom baie families met klein (en ander met nie so klein) kinders na die Port Elizabeth Model Locomotive Society se maandelikse oop dag.  Families staan al van vroeg af tou om op die treintjies te ry met veral die stoom lokomotiewe wat baie aftrek kry.  Die rit vat wel net 'n paar minute, maar sluit in 'n tonnel, die Groot Grasrivier brug en 'n paar draaie deur die gronde in. En die beste…

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Cape Recife WWII Forward Observation Post

Port Elizabeth has arguably the most complete collection of surviving coast artillery buildings and equipment dating from the Second World War (1939-45) of any port in South Africa. Before the Second World War the Port Elizabeth Harbour actually had no defence in place except for Fort Frederick which was built in 1799 to guard the original landing place in the early days long before a harbour was even built. In 1942 it was decided to put harbour defences in place…