City Hall tree

I had to pop down into the city centre this week and found this tree in front of the City Hall with all its bright red fruit, flowers, fruity flowers (sorry, but I don't really know if they were the tree's fruit or flowers). As I was walking past it and I found a very nice angle to include it in a picture of the historic City Hall. Never leave home without your camera.


King George V Memorial

The King George V Memorial can be found on Canon Hill overlooking the town of Uitenhage. It was erected to commemorating the coronation of King George V in 1910.

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Port Elizabeth Opera House

The Port Elizabeth Opera House was opened in 1892 and was proclaimed a national monument in 1980. It is the oldest functioning opera house in the country as well as the only remaining Victoria theatre in South Africa.

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Pasella TV Show

I was fortunate enough to be asked to be part of a shoot for the SABC 2 Afrikaans magazine show Pasella today. Along with my colleague S, I got to take the the presenter, Vicky Davis, and the crew on a walkabout along some of the places on the Donkin Heritage Trail. Here we are standing at the Prester John monument across the road from the Feather Market Centre. The show will be broadcasted in the first week of September.


Donkin Reserve

Today we are back home after our "trip" covering all the towns surrounding Port Elizabeth. So just to start off on the home front again, I am featuring one of Port Elizabeth's iconic landmarks. The Donkin Reserve. On the Donkin Reserve visitors will find the Donkin Lighthouse as well as the Donkin Memorial Pyramid. The story of the pyramid goes as follow: Sir Rufane Donkin married Elizabeth Frances Markham in 1815 and barely 2 months later was posted to India.…


PE Main Library

The Public Library building next to Market Square was opened in 1902. The terracotta facade was manufactured in England and shipped to Algoa Bay in numbered pieces to be reassembled on site. The statue of Queen Victoria was unveiled in 1903 and is made of Sicilian marble.


lest we forget….

Cenotaph at the entrance to the Art Museum in Rink Street. The names of those Port Elizabeth citizens who died in the Second World War are listed around it.

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