Queen Vic and the library tower

The statue of Queen Victoria was erected in front of the Public Library in the city centre in 1903 in commemoration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee (1897).  The library building itself was erected in 1902.


Looking up at Queen Vic

Looking up at the statue of Queen Victoria standing in front of the historic Public Library in the Port Elizabeth city centre.  The statue was unveiled in 1903, one year after the library's opening.Visit Skywatch for more pictures from around the world featuring the sky


Library queen

Port Elizabeth has so many interesting and facinating monuments and statues, but Queen Victoria with the old Public Library behind it still stays one of my favorite scenes to photograph.


Dias Cross and City Hall

Standing next to the City Hall on Port Elizabeth's Market Square is a replica of the crosses that Bartholomew Dias planted along the coastline on his epic journey in 1488. Dias was the first European to discover the southern point of Africa. He rounded the Cape in a storm and first landed in Mossel Bay, putting up a cross there. His next stop was Algoa Bay where he erected a cross on St Croix Island. From here he sailed as…


1000 posts

Today is Port Elizabeth Daily Photo's 1000th post and exactly 500 posts since I took over from Sue and Max. Port Elizabeth is such a magnificent place that I struggle most days to select a photo out of my collection to post. I just want to take this opportunity to thank all the regular PEDP visitors as well as those who only pop in every now and then, doesn't matter if you comment on the pics on not, for taking…


Prince Alfred Guard Museum

The Prince Alfred Guard (PAG) is a City Regiment which was founded in 1856 as the Port Elizabeth Volunteer Rifle Corps. The name changed by royal assent after it provided a Royal Guard for Prince Alfred, second son of Queen Victoria, on his visit to the city in 1860. The Victorian Drill Hall in Prospect Hill, Central, in which the museum is housed was opened in 1880 and is a National Monument. The museum grew out of a fusion of…


Diaz cross

The Diaz cross standing on Market Square is a replica of the crosses planted by Bartholomeu Diaz on his exploration journey in 1488. Diaz was the first (known) European to set foot in what is today known as South Africa. He planted a cross in Mossel Bay, on St Croix Island just off Port Elizabeth and at his turning point at Kwaaihoek near Kenton-on-Sea. This replica was donated to the city of Port Elizabeth by the Portuguese government and the…


Horse Memorial

The Horse Memorial on the corner of Rink Street and Russel Road was erected in remembrance of the horses and mules that suffered and died during the Anglo Boer War which was fought between 1899 and 1902. Although the war didn't really play of in close proximity to the town, most of the British forces and their horses entered the country through Algoa Bay. The locals were very aware of the circumstances the horses were under on the ships as…