Sibaya Entertainment Kingdom

Driving from the uShaka International Airport to Durban along the coastal (Umhlanga) road, the African themed Sibaya Casino and Entertainment Kingdom is visible on the hillside.  I didn't have time to look around the casino but did take a drive up to the entrance before I had to be on my way again.  There are some beautiful coastal views from up there.  Sibaya is one of two licenced casinos in Durban and if you do decided to visit it, gamble responsibly.


Tourism Indaba 2013

I want to share a couple of scenes from the recent Indaba with you, but first a quick generic explanation to those who don't know what Indaba is.  Tourism Indaba, hosted by South African Tourism, is an annual tourism trade show that takes place in Durban in early May.  Indaba is the biggest tourism trade show on the African continent and one of the top three internationally and brings together product and destinations with buyers from all over the world.  But Indaba is so…


Drakensberg wandelpad – Die Wandellied

Vir die een of ander rede het ek vandat ek met RaakREIS begin het en bloginskrywings in Afrikaans doen, skielik baie van die ou Afrikaanse Volksliedjies begin onthou as ek na van my fotos kyk.  Dis eintlik hartseer dat ons dit nie meer so baie sing soos wat ons gedoen het jare terug nie.  Hierdie foto is geneem op die Tigerfalls wandelroete in die Koninklike Natalse Reservaat in die Drakensberge en het my dadelik laat dink aan die Wandellied. Wandellied As ek moeg word vir…

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Durban beachfront panorama

Yet again I spent nearly a week in Durban for Tourism Indaba with very little time to get out and take a couple of photos.  I did get to take a walk along the beachfront at South Beach on the morning of my departure and managed this panorama shot from one of the piers.  Click on the picture to see the enlarged version.


Drakensberg Amfiteater

As iemand my moet vra om een deel van die Drakensberg te kies as my gunsteling, dan is dit die Amfiteater in die Koninklike Natalse Reservaat.  Die Amfiteater se muur staan oor die 5 kilometer lank en is omtrent 1,220 meter hoog oor sy hele lengte.  Die Tugelawaterval wat 984 meter oor die Amfiteater val is dan ook die tweede hoogste waterval in die wêreld.  Ons het so 'n paar jaar terug by Mahai in die park gekamp en kon die Amfiteater van omtrent al die…

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Durban Sonopkoms

Die begin van nog 'n pragtige dag in Afrika.  Ek het hierdie foto van die son wat oor Suidstrand opkom geneem uit my 9de verdieping hotelkamer gedurende die onlangse Indaba uitstalling in Durban . 

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Dolphins at uShaka

I write this post with apologies to Naialani the Island Girl who likes to swim with her wild dolphins in Hawaii. Since the dolphins here in Bayworld in Port Elizabeth moved to Hong Kong a year ago, the only place in South Africa where you can view a dolphin presentation in captivity is at uShaka Marine World in Durban. As much as dolphins should be free out in the big blue sea, dolphins in captivity does play a big role…


Durban skyline

The skyline of the coastal city of Durban in KwaZulu Natal. Most of the skyline is dominated by hotels as the city is a popular coastal playground in summer. After South Africa's successful hosting of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, the word on the street is that Durban is going to bid to host the Olympic Games either in 2020 and 2024. Tongue in cheek footnote: I still personally much rather prefer my home town of Port Elizabeth as a…