Did you know there is a nature reserve and hiking trail at NMMU?

I went for an early morning walk along the Grysbok Trail in the NMMU Nature Reserve with Drama Princess last weekend and this was the view back towards the campus and university buildings from the reserve.   The university campus was declared a private nature reserve in 1983.  The reserve covers 830 ha and is dominated by the St Francis Dune Thicket vegetation characterised by clumps of thicket occurring within a matrix of Dune Fynbos.  The Grysbok Trail itself was established in…

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Geocaching at Shelly Beach

One of the things I enjoy most about Geocaching is the fact that it takes you to interesting and beautiful places.  A good example is a cache I placed at Shelly Beach at Lauries Bay about 2 km along the beach from Kini Bay.  I took a walk down the coast from Kini Bay on New Year's Day to do some maintenance on the cache and took my camera with.  This is the view from close to the cache location…

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Road sign Geocaching

A Geocacher looks at each and every thing they pass along the way as a potential hiding place for a cache (as long as it isn't closer than 161 meters from the next cache).  Road signs are no different and this week I went Geocaching with Drama Princess and this was exactly where she found one of the caches we went hunting for.

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The view from the top of the Compass Berg

Seeing that I normally (try to) do a Geocaching related post on a Saturday, I really wanted to share this with you today even though it isn't in Port Elizabeth.  A couple of Geocachers got together in Nieu-Bethesda for a caching event tonight and one of the Port Elizabeth cachers up there for the event decided to go and climb the Compass Berg today to find a cache located right at the top.The Compass Berg is located north of Nieu-Bethesda…

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Shefetswe goes crawling for a cache

I love to road trip, doesn't matter if it is for work or pleasure, solo, with friends or family.  Road tripping takes me to places, allows me to sightsee, discover things, give me photo opportunities and... Geocache.  It's amazing how one can actually plan your whole road trip and all your stops around Geocaching.  It was no different on a recent Cape Town road trip with friends and fellow travel peeps and Geocachers Erenei and Shefetswe.  On the way back we stopped at…

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Ghostly ghost tour in Port Elizabeth

Over the weekend the local Geocaching community went on a Ghost Walk through Central led by Rose Trehaeven.  The walk was organised by fellow cacher Graham Chrich (better known in caching circles as Plainoldgraham) and he kept those of us who couldn't make it updated via our WhatsApp group with pictures to show us what we were missing.  He took this picture in front of the Grey Institute and as soon as he had posted it one of the other…

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A stolen grave fence

The very first Geocache I placed was in the historic South End Cemetery.  I found a nice little spot on the gate section of a fence around a grave that dates back to the late 1800's.  Placing this cache was my way of showing other people this historic gem.  On Saturday evening at my birthday event a couple of visiting Johannesburg cachers mentioned that they couldn't find it and that the fence was gone.  I just thought they were looking…

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Firefly’s Fourtief Bifday

The last time I had a proper birthday party was for my 21st.  For the past five years I've wanted to have a party and this year was the year.  I just had to have one to celebrate as it was a milestone birthday.  Rather than sending out invites to individual people, I decided to double my birthday party with an official Geocaching event.  About 27 people rocked up for the event which was done as a bring and braai…


Lovemore Lake CITO

In the Geocaching world the word CITO stands for Cache In, Trash Out.  A CITO is a Geocaching event where cachers get together to clean up an identified spot at or near a Geocache location.  Last Saturday the PE cachers got together to clean up the area around Lovemore Lake in Mount Pleasant.  This is such a beautiful spot and it's hard to believe that people would mess up such a place.  Luckily it wasn't too dirty but still, it makes…

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Celebrating International Geocaching Day at The Island

Today is International Geocaching Day and I joined my fellow Geocachers in celebrating it with an event at The Island Nature Reserve near Seaview.  The Island is the perfect spot for a picnic or braai with a safe environment, lots of shade and lush grass.  We took up the lapa area while there was a kiddies party with a jumping castle on the other end of the picnic area.  We didn't even know they were there.  Although you normally associate…

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