Water lilies
Water lilies on one of the fish ponds in Victoria Park in the lower part of Walmer
Water lilies on one of the fish ponds in Victoria Park in the lower part of Walmer
Picture take on the Swartberg Pass where there currently is very little rain and temperatures that easily reach into the upper thirties Celsius
An Aloe Ferox in full bloom in Van Der Kemp's Kloof in Bethelsdorp
The Black Wattle is an invader specie that was introduced to South Africa from Australia. The first Black Wattle was planted in 1928 and it was hoped that it would provide fuel, building materials, and shade In the early days the Black Wattles were also grown in a controlled environment to harvest its tannin. Unfortunately in later years they were allowed to spread through South Africa like wild fire.Unfortunately it is estimated that invading aliens cover 10 million hectares of…
I found this flower out walking a couple of weekends ago and it looks like some kind of wild orchid. Unfortunately I can't find it in my book, although you don't need to know exactly what something is to be able to photograph it.
I have a number of succulents and plants in pots around my pool and the other day I noticed that one of the small succulents had a couple of flowers in bloom. I liked the little "frog" peeking at me from below the flower
For some reason my hay fever is a lot worse this year than in previous ones. More like a sinus allergy. I wonder if it has to do with the fact that I have been crawling amongst the flowers a lot more this year looking for nice photos.