Drama Princess, you’re an Ironkid

 It's Ironman weekend in Port Elizabeth and the vibe in town around this iconic event is absolutely mind blowing.  In addition to the main event on Sunday, there are also two events taking place on Saturday.  First off was the Corporate Challenge followed by Ironkids in the afternoon.  Drama Princess entered Ironkids after missing last year and this year had to do the slightly longer 100 meter swim and 2 km run as she just turned ten and thus moved…


Merry Christmas

I would like to wish all Port Elizabeth Daily Photo's Christian followers a Merry Christmas.  Hope the day is a blessed one with lots of family, friends, food and gifts.  Peace! Yes yes, I know.  Why white Christmas trees when we are in Africa?  I thought about it and you know why? Because we can. Hahahaha.... The picture was taken at the Christmas Shop at Moffat-on-Main.  Have a wonderful day everybody!


A Tsitsikamma Canopy Tour with the family

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, its Firefly and the Famdamily.  Well, that is what you would have said if you were on a walk in the Tsitsikamma forest the other day.  I'm in the very fortunate position that I have had the wonderful privilege to go on the Tsitsikamma Canopy Tour in Storms River a couple of times before, but I've always wanted to take the family for them to experience it as well.  I'm not…


A Tsitsikamma Sho’t Left

We really don't need much motivation to pack our bags and head somewhere for a Sho't Left weekend.  Not at all.  Even more so when the invitation for that Sho't Left comes from the Tsitsikamma which is only an hour and a half from our home base in Port Elizabeth. A call from Penny of Tsitsikamma Seaside Accommodation along with an earlier invitation by Anneline of Storms River Adventures had us planning a weekend that included some beach time, nature time, family time and ultimately,…


Farm worker fishermen in the Gamtoos Valley

Spending time in a place is more than just staying in accommodation establishments, eating in restaurants, visiting attractions end enjoying beautiful scenery.  The buzz word these days are experiences and an experience doesn't necessarily have to be an formal one.  Sometimes you see something interesting and making a quick stop can turn into a whole experience on its own.  Spending a weekend Shot Left in Hankey in the Gamtoos Valley while staying at The Milk House we ventured out on the Saturday…

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Siblings – Chaos Boy and Drama Princess

When I first started blogging I decided to give my family their own blog identities as to not use their real names online.  The mrs became Damselfly and the KidZ was hence forth known as Chaos Boy and Drama Princess.  Over the years these names have became part of them to the extent that they chose to go as that in the world of Geocaching as well.  So many people now know them by those names and always want to know how they got…


Drama Princess leading the way

Its amazing how different from each other one's own children can be.  Drama Princess is the sporty outdoorsy type while Chaos Boy is happy to sit and watch tv or play in his room.  The other day when I announced that I was meeting Shefetswe and Sanhain at the Aloe Trail for a quick 6km hike and a couple of Geocaches, Drama Princess quickly got ready to go with while Chaos Boy just blew us off and went back to…


Netball stars

My KidZ are in some aspects total opposites of each other.  Chaos Boy isn't very sporty and would rather be indoors watching TV or playing games while Drama Princess is the very competitive sporty type who would rather be out Geocaching with me than to be indoors.  She's in grade 3 and this year they are playing full on netball matches for the first time at school.  Her under 9 team is undefeated halfway through the season with a couple of overwhelming wins…

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Weekend Sho’t Left in Hankey

I have a very special spot in my heart for the Gamtoos Valley west of Port Elizabeth, having visited there quite often while I was working as a tourist guide.  Since then we try to get out there every now and then for things like the Gamtoos Citrus Festival, Patensie Boere Basaar and the Gamtoos Adventure Drive and then usually stay in the Patensie area.  A little while ago Carol Pearson of The Milkhouse Farmstyle Bar dropped me a line and invited…

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Which keg is the heaviest?

Bayworld is so full of childhood memories, one of them being the kegs in the shipwreck hall.  Three kegs each 20kg in weight but with the pulleys being the difference.  This means that they feel like they are different weights and the KidZ loved trying them out just like we did when we were kids.

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