Water monitor (aka Sundays River croc)

Some of the residents of Colchester jokingly refer to the water monitors living in the Sundays River as Sundays River Crocodiles.  The reason for this is because visitors spotting them swimming in the river often think that they are looking at a crocodile.  Crocodiles never occurred in the area naturally as it gets too cold for them during the winter.  Water monitors (or Water liguaans) can grow over 1,5 meters in length with their biggest defence being their tail which…


Sundays River and dunes

Following on yesterday's post on the Sundays River and Ferries from the previous day, I decided to post another pic of the river, but this time showing more of the dunes. I have done a post on the dunes before, so if you would like to know more about the dunes at Sundays River Mouth, visit my Colchester Dune Field post.



There are two ferries that do trips down the Sundays River at Colchester. The one on the left of the picture is the Maggy May and the one on the right belongs to the Sundays River Ferry Company. Trips take you from Cannonville up to the old bridge and then down towards the river mouth so that guests can get off and climb the giant sand dunes (forming part of the Alexandria Dune Fields).


Heading home

A couple of fishermen on a rubberduck heading upstream along the Sundays River at Colchester after a day of fishing close to the mouth of the river. I wonder if they got anything? This pic was taken on a trip out with The Sundays River Ferry Company and The Maggie May House Boat.

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Colchester dune field

The Colchester Dunefield is situated at the mouth of the Sundays River which is the eastern boundary of the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan area. The Colchester Dunefield is part of the Alexandria Dunefields which are the biggest coastal dunefield in the Southern Hemisphere. The Alexandria Dunefields was put on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites' tentative list as a possible future UNESCO site. I got the following information off that list:Alexandria Coastal Dunefield is the largest, most impressive and least degraded…


The Sundays River Ferry

The Sundays River Ferry sails down the Sundays River from the slipway in Cannonville next to Colchester. It throws anchor near the Sundays River Mouth so that visitors can climb the giant sand dunes. The dunes are part of the Alexandria Dune Field, the biggest coastal sand dune field in the Southern Hemisphere and the biggest area covered by sand dunes south of the Namib desert.


Sundays River Ferry

A little while ago I got to go on the Sundays River Ferry in Colchester. The ferry trip takes you up stream to the old bridge and then down towards the river mouth where passengers can get off and climb the giant sand dunes. There is a magnificent view from the top of the dunes. I will post a pic of this at another time. During the trip hosts Les and Maggie will entertain passengers with a wealth of information…


Slow paddle up the Sundays River

A local fisherman paddling up the calm Sundays River at Colchester. It is funny how many people think the river is named for the fact that a lot of people go out to Sundays River over weekends and specially on Sundays to go and enjoy the river and its environs. The name actually comes from the Zondagh family that farmed higher up in the river in the 1800's.