Black Sparrowhawk

Life and the universe tend to sneak you a very pleasant and unexpected surprise every now and then and I clearly got one of those pulling into my driveway the other day.  As I turned off thew road I spotted something on the lawn under one of the two big palm trees in my front yard.  There right in front of me was a bird of prey sitting on top of one of the palm trees' resident pigeons feeding away with…



As ek mag wil ek graag die lirieke van Groot Voël Paradys deur Jacques de Coning aanhaal om saam met hierdie foto te gaan.Oudtshoorn is 'n grootvoël paradys,los jou budgy by die huis en ek sal jou 'n groot voël wys.Oudtshoorn is 'n grootvoël paradys,Los jou mossie by die bossie en kom speel met my volstruis. Kom sit hier op my skoot dan vertel ek vir jou,van die grootste voël wat ek gesien het my vrou.Dit was daar by die Klein Karoo Kunstefees,as…

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Ant-eating Chat

I'm not a big bird photographer, not by choice but because my camera is a bit slow to focus and then still has a bit of a shutter lag as well.  But when a bird sits still for long enough for me to focus and get a nice pic I won't let the opportunity slip by.  Small birds are especially difficult for me as they always dart around but on a recent game drive at Amakhala Game Reserve a Ant-eating…



Ons weet almal van die mitiese feniks wat uit die vuur en as uit opgerys het, maar wat gemaak as mens skielik 'n swartkopreier in 'n veldbrand sien?  Is dit 'n feniks van ander vere?  Dit het nie lank geneem om te sien wat regtig aan die gang was nie.  Die veldbrand het sprinkane en ander insekte voor dit uitgejaag en die reier het letterlik net rondgestaan terwyl sy middagete na hom toe aangekom het.

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Check out my wings

Cape Recife is one of Port Elizabeth's best bird watching spots, specially for waders, coastal and marine birds. This cormorant looks like he is showing off his impressive wingspan for a passing kelp gull.

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Cattle Egret

A cattle egret sitting in a sweet thorn tree at the Leidam in Montagu.The cattle egret is family of the heron, but unlike herons it feeds in relatively dry grassy habitats.  You often find them accompanying cattle or other large mammals since they catch insects disturbed by these animals.  They are referred to as tick birds because they also remove ticks and flies from cattle.  In the breeding season they nest in colonies, and as was the case with the one in the…


Bird watching at Montagu Leidam

Bird lovers visiting Montagu doesn't have to go much further than the Leidam to see a wide range of birds fairly up close.  The residents around the dam include Grey heron, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, African Sacred Ibis and the Common Weaver with 18 local species and 52 migrant species counted.  The town has put up a very nice and accessible viewing deck next to the dam and visitors who would like a closer look can get a key for the gate from the…


Blue Crane

The Blue Crane is South Africa's national bird and its always a pleasure to see them in the wild.  They normally live in pairs and nest in grasslands which means that many end up occupying agricultural areas.  You often see them driving along the N2 through the Overberg where they feed on seed and insects on the fields.  Unfortunately due to poisons used by farmers on their fields a lot of these birds are killed and due to this the…