Elephant buffet

An elephant at Pumba Game Reserve chomping away on his breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.  I can't really remember what time I took the photo but it doesn't really matter because to elephants life is one big buffet.

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White Lions at Pumba

There are about 500 white lions left in the world, most of them in captivity.  Pumba Game Reserve is one of only a few game reserves in South Africa that has free range white lions on its property.  Pumba's white lions is right at the top of what visitors to the reserve wants to see and it was no different when I got to visit for a night.  On the evening game drive we spotted a female with two cubs in the…


Rhino in danger

After a spate of poaching incidents the total number of rhino's killed in 2012 for their horns have now topped 500. A very sad state situation and if this doesn't stop quickly then my (future - cause I'm not that old) grandchildren would never one day get the opportunity to see rhino in the wild... or even at all.

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Pumba elephant

After a quick visit we were driving out of Pumba Game Reserve and passing Water Lodge when we found an elephant approaching across a field towards us.  Unfortunately for me the sun was behind him so I couldn't really get a great picture, but that doesn't matter.  He came lumbering along, looked at as pass him and then proceeded down the track towards the lodge.  Probably for breakfast.Looking back at him moseying along towards the lodge  as we were driving away


Elephant silhouette

I would never ever say no to an opportunity to go on a game drive.  Although I worked as a tourist guide for many years I never worked as a game ranger.  It never really crossed my mind back when I started working, but perhaps if I could do it all over again I may just have gone into that direction.  I still love being out in nature, watching the animals, the sun going down or coming up and most importantly I…


World Rhino Day

Today we celebrate the third annual World Rhino Day not just here in South Africa, but world wide.  World Rhino Day highlight the plight of the rhino which is targeted by ruthless poachers all over the world for their horns which are thought to have medicinal properties by the people in most countries in the Far East.  Part of World Rhino Day is to debunk the myths and diminish the demand for rhino horn.  Up to 12 September rhino poaching in…


Ode to the white rhino

I've been very fortunate to visit a couple of different game reserves over the last year or so and would like to share the following White Rhino pictures with you.  In the light of the pressure that poachers are putting on the rhino population I won't divulge which game reserve I took the pictures at.  Very sad really.  We were lucky enough to see them on both our game drives and it was amazing just sitting there in silence while…


Having a drink at Gwarrie Dam

Addo Elephant National Park is such an awesome place and probably the best place in the world to view wild African elephants fairly up close from within your own car.  This young bull was having a drink at Gwarrie Dam on my last visit and I kinda wish I could just plonk a camp chair next to the dam and sit and enjoy the place with him.

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White (wijdmond) Rhino

Popular theory is that the White Rhino got its name from the fact that the English misunderstood what the Dutch meant when they referred to it as the Wijdmond Renoster.  Wijd is Dutch for wide which referred to the rhino's wide mouth.  The white rhino or square-lipped rhinoceros is a grazer and eats grass, preferring the shortest grains, hence the wide mouth comes in very handy.  Kinda like a living lawnmower.


White lion

Don't you want to just cuddle up to this big furry mane and fall asleep with him?  White Lions is quite a rare sight and the only Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape where you can see them in the wild is Pumba Game Reserve (which I hope I'll have the opportunity to visit some time soon).  The second option to see them is the Seaview Game and Lion Park just outside Port Elizabeth where the park has a breeding…