Patterns of light

The ubiquitous MacDonald's golden arches create an abstract pattern with the colourful lights reflecting on the railings of the Dolphins Leap Centre at the beachfront. This shot was taken by our son, from the balcony of The Mediterranean, one of our favourite seafood/sushi hangouts!

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What a treat it is living in this town, on the days when the weather is perfect. There is nothing to match an evening strolling along beside the pier, or sitting at a beachfront restaurant, enjoying a meal, and watching the sun go down.


Now and then again….

Again, thanks to the old postcards sent to us by John in UK, we are able to compare how PE looked around the 1930s, and how it looks now. This is the promenade on the beachfront.As you can see, the major new feature is the Shark Rock Pier in the background, and of course all the high rise buildings. But missing is all the metal structure on the old slipway, and the bathing houses.


more havok

Even before the major tsunami type waves that did all the damage on Monday, the seas on Sunday were building up unusually high. On Sunday afternoon we took a stroll along the beachfront (yes, in our case it is "mad dogs and SouthAfricans go out in the freezing gale!") hehe. But we couldn't resist the opportunity to snap away despite fingers so frozen they could barely operate the camera!We have often shown the wonderful wide pristine sands of King's Beach…


Watch the step

Another photo sent to us by Louise Eksteen, showing what a brilliant day it was in the bay yesterday. I love the warm fuzzy feeling generated by the snuggling couple, contrasted with the ominous broken step, sort of a gentle reminder that all is seldom 100% well in paradise!


Anyone for prawns?

The penguin on the Oceanarium Complex looks like it is hankering after some of Jimmy's killer prawns, at Brookes Pavillion at the beach front. MMMM, come to think of it.....