Red Windmill 2

Yesterday we showed you the site of the old Red Windmill. This is the complex it moved into, across the parking lot from the old one, and on the edge of the sea. The new ice-cream parlour/take-away is in the middle of the building, on the ground floor, behind the red umbrellas. The light is strange because it was just after sunrise but very cloudy, so the sun was struggling to make an impression!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Firefly

    Suddenly I feel like a soft serve icecream in a suger cone. Maybe I should pop down lunchtime (yes, I am back behind my desk reading all my e-mails)

  2. Unknown

    Yeh, may be I should fly “up” to PE and go have some ice-cream too. Hie-hie.Miss the old Red Windmill though. Mom spoiled us with ice-cream on warm Sunday afternoons.

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