The other day while working in the garden I found this tiny little (baby) praying mantis. Here he is sitting on the knuckles of my fingers. The mantis is a predator of other insects. The females chews off the head of the male during mating (I am so glad I’m not a mantis) and than lay her eggs in a frothy egg case from which the young hatch. The young looks like big ants with a large up curving abdomen. There are four families of mantis.
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They are supposed to bring lots of luck into your home!!Lovely photographs! 🙂
Great photos! Love the second one!! He is a tiny fellow!!I didn't know that about mantis' that they bring luck into your home … come mantis' .. we need lots of you!!
Looks like my house is lucky in the summer as we have them regularly hunting at night here. They are my favorite as they seem to be intelligent. Just glad they are small. We would not stand a chance against one of them were it human sized! Great s hots!
Such a cute and tiny little mantis. Saw one similar somewhere along this journey.
how do you do that! just amazing! we see it BETTER than if we were there!
That's a little one!
That second shot is great…love the outta focus children putting the emphasis on the bug…but still reminding us about the wonders of childhood. Great!