[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r442Fr42vps]
I received an e-mail from Tamara in Germany who is a regular PE Daily Photo follower. When somebody says “It is my dream to one day live in Port Elizabeth” then they are ok in my book. *wink*
Tamara recently came across a video posted on YouYube by Glenn Fuller. Its a fun video by his daughter Derryn and her UPE/NMMU student group who did it as a project back in 2006 with Jannie and Baksteen and their legendary “Living in P.E.” song! As Tamara said. It made me smile (and is quite catchy) and that is why I decided to share it as the Friday video for this week.
Catchy tune!
Catchy tune indeed. Thanks for posting this. Tamara
wow, what a classic song!!!