I was down on the beach at Cannon Rocks to take some shipwreck pictures (here and here) at sunset when these two guys came by jogging into the setting sun.
For more pictures by photographers from around the world involving the sky, visit Skywatch.
Wow – your photos are amazing! This one is equally amazing! Jogging off into the sunset … just like the old cowboy movies when the hero rides off into the sunset … movie ends, happily ever after .. !! While typing this I see those bottom three sunset photos – really are breathtaking !!! Well done !!
It can't get more beautiful than this. In my part of the world, the sun disappears a little above the horizon. Never to bee seeen taking a dip like this.. and also, so huge… Amazing shot!Pixellicious Photos
That's lovely! Imagine being able to go for a run with a scenery like that! I would do it every day without missing!
otehr wonderful shot!!!! Lovely silhouette!Gena @ Thinking Alouda photoblogSouth Africa
Ooopsss – too fast, slow down …okay take 2Another wonderful shot!!!! Lovely silhouette!Gena @ Thinking Alouda photoblogSouth Africa
Nice sunset Jonker. Like the silohuets.
WOW! beautiful!
Lovely sun photo!
What a totally cool shot!!! This will probably never happen again in life…how perfect that you were right there to get it for all of us to see :o)
Looks like they're trying to catch the setting sun! Very nice! Happy skywatching to you!
Wow – your photos are amazing! This one is equally amazing! Jogging off into the sunset … just like the old cowboy movies when the hero rides off into the sunset … movie ends, happily ever after .. !! While typing this I see those bottom three sunset photos – really are breathtaking !!! Well done !!
Fabulous! … And they all lived happily ever after…
Heading for the sun. Great shot!
I wish I could be there too!Wonderful shot!
Fantastic shot and a lovely sunset. The colors are beautiful.
A beautiful photo, just love it when the objects suddenly “walks” in…
sunset shots are awesome :)leethroughthelens.blogspot.com
It can't get more beautiful than this. In my part of the world, the sun disappears a little above the horizon. Never to bee seeen taking a dip like this.. and also, so huge… Amazing shot!Pixellicious Photos
Good vision. I like it. 🙂