The first biennual International Mohair Summit took place in the Karoo town of Graaff Reinet last week. “What does it have to do with Port Elizabeth?” I hear you ask. Well, Port Elizabeth is seen as the mohair capital of the world as more mohair moves through this city than anywhere else in the world. If you want to learn more about the summit, you can read more about it on
The Firefly Photo Files.
Specific posts are:
Oh, Mohair is such a wonderful textile. That's a great story of how the goats came to SA Jonker. I look forward to more about this convention.
My uncle used to farm mohair on the Peddie side of Grahamstown – the farm eventually was bought up and turned into a game farm. I believed mohair farming to be on the wane… glad to see that's not the case! Great pics 🙂
It's always fun to learn and photograph at the same time. I'm looking forward to what you'll be sharing with the rest of us!
I hear about this on the TV last night Jonker. What a great idea and I am sure tourists are going to love this new route.
I bought myself a pair of “Fagan” gloves in mohair and they are my favourite. Interesting fact: when I bought them, I was told to care for them like I would my hair. Wash in a gently shampoo and rinse in conditioner! Intersting post today! (As always!)
ooh I like those shelves 🙂 Great pic